Yesterday in Jakarta, floods occurred again and corruption of BOS-BOP funds

Jakarta (medialnews) – Various events in and around Jakarta were followed, recorded and then broadcast by the editorial team of the Metropolitan News Agency medialnews this Tuesday (5/25) and are still worth reading for complete this Wednesday morning.

Starting from the information about the floods that again hit parts of Jakarta, the state of the Kampung Rambutan terminal, the gratification of Anies’ house, the corruption of the School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) and educational operational assistance (BOP) in Jakarta.

Here is a summary of the information broadcast in Jakarta by medialnews on Tuesday (25/5):

1. Flooding up to 120 cm in flooded residential areas in Kampung Melayu

Jakarta (medialnews) – Flooding again submerged residential areas in RT 013 Kampung Melayu, east of Jakarta, on Tuesday morning.

This time around, the flooding was due to heavy rains that occurred in the East Jakarta region on Monday evening (5/24), causing the Ciliwung River to overflow, located near residential areas.

Details here.

2. The colonies of Cilangkap were sprayed with disinfectants due to the COVID-19 cluster

Jakarta (medialnews) – In a residential area of ​​RW 03, Cilangkap district, east of Jakarta, spraying disinfectants is consistently the result of the findings of 104 residents (clusters) positive for COVID-19 based on the results PCR tests.

The spraying of disinfectant on the settlements in Cilangkap was carried out by the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency (Gulkarmat).

Details here.

3. Anies: The media can help expose the slander of luxury home gratuity

Jakarta (medialnews) – DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has asked the media to participate in an investigation to uncover the perpetrators who slandered him regarding the issue of luxury home satisfaction from the developer. recovery island.

“In this case, the media can help with the investigation. Please search the house of Kebayoran Baru who is accused of knowing where is the address, what number, who owns it,” Anies said in a written statement to Antara. in Jakarta on Tuesday. .

Details here.

4. Kampung Rambutan bus station is still empty of passengers.

Jakarta (medialnews) – Kampung Rambutan Bus Station, east of Jakarta, is still empty of passenger boarding and deplaning activities, having resumed since the end of the no-return policy to home on May 6 and 17.

According to Antara’s observation, only a few passengers were in the terminal waiting room while waiting for the bus to depart.

Details here.

5. The DKI provincial government is invited to hold a simultaneous post of sub-district chief.

Jakarta (medialnews) – DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) is urged to promptly resolve the issue of concurrent posts and executor of duties (plt) status of civil servants at sub-district level up to urban villages.

Chairman of PDI-P faction of DKI Jakarta DPRD Gembong Warsono in Jakarta on Tuesday said that it was very important for the DKI provincial government in Jakarta to resolve the problem of the dual position of the sub-district at the level sub-district because the DKI Jakarta provincial government departments that directly affect the community are located at the sub-district and sub-district level.

Details here.

6. Riza invites DKI officials to question the corruption of BOP / BOS

Jakarta (medialnews) – DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria has called on relevant officials to be investigated over allegations of corruption in education operational assistance funds (BOP ) and school operational assistance (BOS).

“This funding is jointly organized by the executive and legislative branches, in its implementation there are SOPs, standards, mechanisms, rules, if you think there is something missing, please check, examine, there are no ‘there will be no problems,’ said the deputy governor of DKI. Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Details here.

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Ganet Dirgantara

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