Creation of Iluni UMB, Aznil Tan appointed General Chairman

Jakarta – Aznil Tan has been appointed by acclamation General President of the Mercu Buana University Alumni Association or ILUNI UMB for the period 2021-2025. After several senior officials of Mercu Buana University alumni officially declared the establishment of ILUNI UMB in Puri Kembangan on March 13, 2021. You can see the 98 activists who were reformers on the UMB campus in reading the text of the ILUNI UMB Declaration.

Toloh Senior Alumni of UMB Arfan Pamungkas class of ’92 stated that as a form of awareness with Mercu Buana University alumni, the need for an independent, legitimate and representative alumni forum for all generations.

“Thirty-five years after the creation of the UMB, but it does not have a forum of legitimate and representative elders. It is only today that there is a forum of elders which was born from the elders of the UMB themselves Not a place that has only been in the form of a bunch of alumni or campus lackeys, “Arfan said.

In line with Arfan, BEM UMB President Achmad Fahrudin who was present at the declaration said that Iluni UMB’s declaration was a historic point in the awakening of UMB alumni who were on hiatus.

“Today, UMB alumni have made a great story to wake up from their long slumber. Iluni UMB is a legitimate and formal wrestling forum, and the only one that hosts all levels of UMB alumni, ”said Fahrudin.

Sebamyak more than 50 UMB alumni took the stage to sign the text of the Declaration.

Accompanied by the UMB Iluni walking song, the participants in the declaration wore the red jacket of the UMB Iluni alma mater as their official jacket. They seemed to hold hands as a symbol of the birth of the UMB Alumni Forum.

The leader of the training team, Mr. Fachry Sanir, took the stage to read the results of the deliberation and the consensus for the election of the general president of the three candidates proposed by the participants. Aznil Tan by acclamation was finally appointed general president of UMB Iluni for the period 2021-2025.

“Today’s statement also seeks UMB Iluni leaders. Alhamdulillah, according to the results of deliberations and consensus, Brother Aznil Tan was finally given the post of UMB Iluni until 2025 out of the three names of candidates that emerged, ”said Fachry.

Arfan Pamungkas was accompanied by UMB alumni representing UMB alumni and assisted by the president of BEM UMB handing the flag of the great disaster of Iluni UMB to Aznil Tan. Aznil accepted it and then hoisted it up enthusiastically.

Organizing committee Andy Maulana said Iluni UMB’s statement went well and was successful.

“Amid the Covid-19 state and health protocols, Alhamdulillah the declaration was carried out successfully and smoothly. The enthusiasm and participation of the elders is very high. We’re sorry we limited it to 50 guests. Today Iluni UMB has been legally established, ”Andy explained.

Meanwhile, Aznil Tan, who was inaugurated as head of Iluni UMB, said he would bring together UMB alumni to advance UMB alumni.

“The difficult task is now on my shoulders to make the big dreams of the UMB alumni come true. I will move to strengthen the bargaining value of UMB alumni in three pillars, namely academics, business and government, ”said Aznil Tan.[]



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