Sri Andini: BPI continues to fight for national use – Tourism Business News Portal

JAKARTA, Recently, a seminar was held to discuss the use of waste coal or ash, commonly known as fly ash (FABA). The seminar, which was held on Friday April 9, 2021, was held in cooperation with the Indonesian Electricity Society (MKI), the user community like PT Bukit Pembangkit Innovative (BPI) and the Indonesian Journalists Association ( PWI).

So far, few people know or even understand FABA. What is FABA, Fly Ash Bottom Ash? FABA is solid waste resulting from the combustion of coal in steam power stations, boilers and industrial furnaces for raw construction materials.

Initially, FABA was included as hazardous and toxic waste, or B3. However, since February 2021, the government has removed it from the category of B3 waste. President Joko Widodo signed Government Regulation (PP) No. 22/2021 which excludes FABA from the toxic waste category in category B3.

MKI and BPI fought hard on how FABA can be used for construction raw materials, cement, even for agriculture and plantations. In short, FABA can be used for heavy, medium and light industries.

The virtual frame seminar by zoom-meeting is generally intended to socialize and enlighten the community, and is aimed specifically at economic players.

The webinar organized by MKI, BPI and PWI is part of the PWI Jaya Series Forum, with the theme “Optimizing the use of FABA for economic development “.

After remarks by PWI Pusat General President Atal Sembiring Depari at the PWI Pusat Secretariat, the webinar was officially opened by Indonesian Electrical Society (MKI) General President Wiluyo Kusdwiharto virtually.

“The Indonesian Electricity Company appreciates the support of the ranks of the PWI for the legality obtained by FABA as non-toxic waste, as determined by the government,” said Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, who did not forget to greet the leaders. of the PWI who were also present online. .

Sri Andini, President Commissioner of PT Bukit Pembangkit Innovative (BPI), was the only speaker to attend the event offline at PWI Pusat, among others, PWI President Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah and Irmanto, Deputy Organizational Sector Director PWI Jaya who is also Chairman of the PWI Jaya Series Forum Activities Committee.

PT BPI itself is a private electricity supply company and owns a PLTU in Lahat, South Sumatra. Sri Andini, 64, is the initiator and founder of this BPI.

Webinars are also presented online live via Facebook, PWI DKI Jakarta has four speakers. The other three speakers besides Sri Andini were Dr Eng Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, ST, MT (ITS Lecturer, researcher on the use of FABA for infrastructure), Dr Nani Hendiarti, M.Sc (management assistant and environment and forestry Coordination of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investments), and Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fachrurrozie Sjarkowi, M.Sc (Academics, environmental observers). This interesting discussion was guided by Brigita Manohara, presenter of TvOne, who was able to liven up the atmosphere of the discussion.

Regulation and socialization

“Thanks to Mr. Joko Widodo who issued Government Regulation No. 22/2021, which ensures that FABA is no longer a waste or toxic and hazardous material, B3,” Sri Andini said after the webinar.

“Of course, I also thank the leaders of PWI, both centrally and regionally, who have helped to inform and socialize the use of this FABA. Frankly, I am happy to partner with PWI. On various occasions and at PWI meetings, I have discussed the issue of B3 waste, especially FABA, which is no longer classified as B3 waste, ”said Sri Andini.

For their perseverance in the fight for FABA from B3, Sri Andini and Wiluyo Kusdwiharto received the “PWI Jaya Award”, a prestigious award for individuals, personalities or personalities from various walks of life, who are considered to have greatly contributed and contributed to their fields.

The PWI Jaya Prize was presented to them by the President of the PWI Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah and the Chairman of the Standing Committee (pantap) “PWI Jaya Prize” Cak Herry Sarsongko Ludiro.

Sri Andini explained, even though there is PP Number 22 Year 2021, socialization must continue to be carried out that FABA is not toxic waste.

“Regulation must continue to be socialized. This FABA is no longer in category B3. This socialization is done in various ways, namely seminars and research. The results are then published for the public to know, ”Sri Andini said.

“As the principal commissioner of PT BPI, I see that the processing costs for FABA are huge because FABA is classified as B3 waste, toxic and hazardous materials,” Sri Andini said.

FABA abroad

He explained that he was looking for detailed information on the waste coal from the combustion of this PLTU, and he found that China, Japan, the United States and even Singapore did not classify FABA as waste B3.

“I asked BPI staff to perform laboratory tests in various research institutions. In conclusion, FABA does not contain toxic substances such as mercury and other toxic substances, ”said Sri Andini.

This conclusion is certainly good news for Sri Andini and other groups who have benefited from FABA. The reason is that Sri Andini always received information that several PLTUs could not work because their FABA exceeded the allowed quantity. In fact, on the other hand, people really need electricity.

“I was always worried and thought how expensive the cost of power generation would be due to the very expensive management of B3 waste. This will hamper the government’s plan to accelerate the development of infrastructure in the field of energy supply, ”explained the chief commissioner of PT BPI.

Thinking of a national goal, Sri Andini is determined to move forward, to do something meaningful regarding the use of this waste coal. For example, how he continues to communicate with experts and former directors of PLN to create an alliance of waste coal.

This alliance is a testament to the truth or the fact that FABA is not toxic. Even in China, FABA is used for various purposes such as concrete blocks or high quality building materials; manufacture of cement, gypsum and as the main material in the manufacture of high quality roads. Also various other products.

“I have visited a number of places where FABA is used in China,” Sri Andini said. He further explained how, for example, he was doing something for BPI itself so that it could be seen by other PLTUs in Indonesia.

“BPI performs laboratory tests on the substance content of FABA. We also ask for the help of Professor Ir. Facrurrozie, M.Sc of Sriwijaya University (Unsri) Palembang to see the use of these substances, “

Among them there are materials for plant fertilization or fertilizer, and then as an ingredient for reducing the acidity of water, for hardening of roads, etc. Sri Andini explained.

What has been achieved, he continued, is the process of making bricks. “Machinery or manufacturing equipment has been purchased, the permit is being processed,” he said.

In addition, Sri Andini explained, FABA BPI has been commonly used in making Semen Baturaja, although the amount is still small. Currently, FABA BPI is also being researched by ITB experts to be used to reduce acidic water in the PT BA coal mine.

“There are still many plans for me to optimize the use of FABA at the national level,” Sri Andini said brilliantly.

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