Working group to strengthen the control of returning migrant workers

The 5 provinces that received the most PMIs were East Java, West Java, Central Java, NTB and North Sumatra

medialnews, JAKARTA – The chairman of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Doni Monardo, called on all parties, in particular the local government, the immigration office, BP2MI, the labor office, at health bureau to tighten control over Indonesian migrants. workers (PMI) returning to Indonesia. This was done to prevent the entry of new cases of Covid-19 from abroad which were taken away by the PMIs.

The government noted that five provinces received the highest number of PMIs, namely East Java, West Java, Central Java, NTB and North Sumatra. The government has also deployed TNI-Polri agents to assist stakeholders in the five provinces to oversee returning SMIs.

“We hope that Pangdam cooperates with Kapolda to integrate all the central agencies of the regions, which will make it easier for us to exercise control over all migrant workers returning to the country,” Doni said.

This strengthening of control is also carried out to anticipate a recurrence of quarantine violations that occurred at Soekarno Hatta airport some time ago.

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