Woman reveals contents of late Didi Kempot’s cat the day before his death: Okezone Celebrity

JAKARTA – It’s been a year, Didi Kempot left the world. On May 5, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. WIB, singer Cidro was known to have been summoned by the Almighty after he was unconscious and suffered cardiac arrest.

The news suddenly shocked everyone in Indonesia. Especially at this time, Didi Kempot’s career was booming.

A year before Didi Kempot’s death, the wife of the man who died at the age of 53 appeared to have uploaded a screenshot of her conversation with her husband the day before he left. In his download, Didi is seen saying goodbye to his wife, Yan Vellia.

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“Happy to break the fast… intelligent mucuk…”, wrote Didi a year ago.

“Yeah pa … Until that steak. Where’s daddy, I’m still taking meds too,” his wife replied.

Following its download, his wife seems to still remember the departure of the man who married her in 2005. “May 4, 2020 .. your last message to us, pa .. before May 5, 2020 .. our day of mourning..the day of sorrow for daddy fans all over the world .. one year since you left, ”Yan Vellia wrote.

Not only was he feeling the loss of Didi Kempot, fans were also known to mourn the death of the man dubbed the Godfather of Broken Heart.

Even in the next upload, Yan Vellia said that there are still many fans who have given their support to Didi Kempot’s family.

“May 05, 2020 – May 05, 2021 said not to be able to prevent your fate, Allah. One year since your departure … with Nakamura, there are still many who love us, still many who support us … with your name there are also many who claim to be your followers but don’t know us but we are sure dad saw us in paradise .. be happy in your eternal paradise our heroes .. our prayers are always for you .. we still miss you OUR DAY OF Mourning #ALFATEHAH, ”he concluded.

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