West Java continues to add isolation room for travelers

As of May 7 yesterday, there were 2,911 units in rural areas and 617 in urban villages.

medialnews, BANDUNG – Quarantine space for travelers to West Java who are desperate to continue to expand. As of May 7 yesterday, there were 2,911 units in rural areas and 617 in urban villages.

West Java Community and Village Empowerment Department chief Bambang Tirtoyuliono said that number will continue to rise in anticipation of travelers escaping isolation. “The addition of a quarantine space continues to be made, in anticipation of travelers who have escaped isolation,” Bambang told reporters on Sunday (9/5).

According to him, as a destination province for travelers with a large population, this quarantine space is very necessary. This isolation room was created using existing facilities. “So it’s not about building a new one,” he said.

Bambang said a number of buildings ranging from government offices to residents’ homes were used as quarantine rooms during the 2021 Lebaran return period. Later, he said, illegal travelers who escaping isolation cannot travel directly to their families, but must be quarantined for five days. “In accordance with the mandate of the law,” he said.

Even so, according to Bambang, so far no travelers have been quarantined. “This means that banning and isolating travelers is effective in retaining travelers,” he said.

In addition, Bambang said that in villages in his area there were already positions of Task Force Covid-19. He said that out of a total of 5,312 villages in West Java, there were already 11,056 posts. “So there are all the RWs, each of whom has a job,” he said.

Meanwhile, other Covid-19 Task Force positions, he said, have been created in 1,643 urban villages. Bambang explained, the covid-19 task force consists of various elements ranging from the police, TNI, Satpol PP, village officials and RW, the surrounding community, to health workers.

“His job is to provide education related to Covid-19 and health protocols, and to register people entering and leaving the village, RW,” he said, adding that they were also responsible for proceeding. to the sterilization of the village.

In addition, he said, the Covid-19 task force was tasked with spraying and bringing patients who needed it to the hospital. Not only that, this task force will also record whether residents have contracted Covid-19.

“One of the tasks of the working group for handling Covid-19 in the village is to carry out an inventory and identification. Also carry out routine sprays, register those who are infected,” he said.

Bambang said his party will continue to monitor conditions and preparations in the village to prepare the Covid-19 quarantine stations and rooms. “We cross-checked at three locations, Wanguraeja, Cikole, KBB. Also at Bandung Regency and Sukabumi Regency,” he said.

The surveillance, he said, was carried out by involving the civilian apparatus of the state under his command. “All provincial DPMDesa will go downstairs to monitor and cooperate with DPMD districts / towns,” he said.

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