Until every time Ridwan Kamil prays for Palestine

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil invites people to donate to Palestine.

medialnews, BANDUNG – Zionist Israel continues to bomb the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Hundreds of Palestinians have fallen victim to the outrage of the Israeli police and army.

Responding to this condition, the Governor of West Java (West Java), Mr. Ridwan Kamil, admitted that he was very concerned about the human tragedy that has befallen the Palestinians. He admitted to posting photos on social media to help the distressed Palestinian people.

He admitted he had a job to build a mosque in Palestine. It’s just that, under the current conditions, his work has been temporarily suspended.

“Until every time I pray for and defend Palestine. I play mosque in Palestine for a while, I hope this can continue,” said Ridwan, who is colloquially called Kang Emil in Bandung, Java. Western, Monday (5/17).

Emil hopes everyone is concerned about the situation in Palestine. At a minimum, he continued, the Indonesian people should pray for it. “If there is room, we donate, through the door online. although it is not our capacity, we hope that the UN countries will take real action as the victims continue to fall, ”he said.

Emil said the Zionist aggression in Palestine could be stopped immediately thanks to pressure from various Western countries. He also highlighted the United Nations (UN) which is gentle on Israel.

“But if you come from developed countries, the UN does not apply enough pressure, so I think it will be in volume,” he said.

Kang Emil said his pro-Palestinian stance was clearly in line with Indonesian government policies from the past to today. From the time of Bung Karno until the current government, the people of West Java have always stood with the Palestinian people.

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