Unemployed youth persecute boyfriends, police move out immediately

Saturday May 22, 2021 – 3:25 AM WIB

Young unemployed people persecute boyfriend, police move out immediately - JPNN.com

Tangerang City Metro Police disclosed the abuse case by YP (18) to his girlfriend on Thursday (5/20). PHOTO: Randy Yastiawan / Tangerang Ekspres

medialnews, TANGERANG – An unemployed youth with the initials YP (18) did not move when he was carried by the Satreskrim team of the Tangerang City Metro Police.

YP was arrested for assaulting IR, who was his girlfriend.

The young man from Pinang district also allegedly impregnated IR.

Kapolres Metro Tangerang Kota Kombes Pol Deonijiu De Fatima Explained, YP tortured IR because he was injured and also found out his girlfriend was pregnant.

Deonijiu added that the suspect was injured because the victim revealed his bad habit of taking tramadol often.

“The suspect’s habit of taking tramadol was told to others, in the end YP did not accept it, so he shared his feelings with the victim,” he said.

YP tortured the IR by slapping his cheeks and mouth until he was bleeding.

The assailant also kicked the victim in the stomach and hit the IR’s head against the wall three times.


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