UBSI Tasikmalaya with BNN to educate about the dangers of drugs

Drug use is steadily increasing year by year in various countries.

medialnews, TASIKMALAYA – The large number of drug users has made this business very lucrative and worrying, so there will be more drug traffickers and traffickers. It also prompted students from the Tasikmalaya campus of the BSI Information System Association (HIMASI) to host a webinar on “Young Spirit Staying Away from Narcotics” with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). Activities take place online via Zoom, last Sunday (25/4).

Speakers present were Ridwan Jumiarsa Soewardi from BNN and Muhamad Azhar as President of Himasi BSI University, Tasikmalaya Campus. In his presentation, Ridwan explained that year-over-year drug use is still increasing in various countries.

“Currently, drug trafficking is widespread in all circles, both adolescents and productive ages. “We need our attention as individuals and as a society to shape the character of the next generation of this nation,” he said.

BNN cannot work alone to solve drug problems, he says. Instead, it is necessary to have a role and a spirit of cooperation on the part of all sections of society so that drug trafficking can be stopped and there are no more victims of drug trafficking. drug users.

“I hope everyone can avoid drugs and stay away from everyday life. Because once you get to know the drug, you will have great curiosity. It will lead to addiction in the future and ruin his life, ”he added in a press release.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Iman, as the chief organizer of this webinar, admitted that he was very grateful for its existence. webinars who can educate the public, especially students, as the next generation of the nation making change in this country.

“In the interaction of young people today, community guidance and support is needed. Especially from parents in order to avoid juvenile delinquency, one of which is drug delinquency, ”he said.

This activity also received a positive response from one of the participants, Diar Muripah. He said the “Young Mind to Avoid Drugs” webinar activity is very important in developing a younger generation who understands the dangers of drug use.

“This seminar reminds us of the importance of avoiding drug use in order to get results. Hopefully, the students of the Universitas BSI Tasikmalaya campus and other general participants can always excel. In order to make the campus proud without using drugs, and of course to stay away from these illegal items, ”Diar concluded.

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