Two ships set off from Sampit Central Kalimantan, carrying travelers early

We judge it has not shown an increase as it is still below the maximum load capacity

Palangka Raya (medialnews) – Two ships left Sampit Port, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Central Kalimantan for Semarang, Central Java and Surabaya, East Java, carrying vehicles and passengers, some of whom have deliberately chosen to return home early.

“I will return to my hometown until the end of Lebaran. Going home is not closed because there is a ban on going home. I’m just following the rules because there are rules against going back home. home before Lebaran, so I’m going home now, “said Naryo, a passenger at Sampit port in central Kalimantan., on Saturday.

The private company worker, who returned to his hometown of Tuban in East Java, admitted he was happy to return home even if he had to choose an early departure time.

Read also: Task Force: Ban on going home to protect the Indonesian population from COVID-19

Mahmudin Semedi, another passenger, also returned home more cautiously as there was still a scheduled departure of the ship.

The entrepreneur who is about to return to Brebes, Central Java, admits that he enjoys coming home early as he can spend more time in his hometown reuniting with his beloved family.

“I wandered. I haven’t been home for two years, so this year I’m going home. I’m coming home now, when there is still a boat schedule. I take a boat because the price of the ticket is affordable. If I take a plane, it is expensive, although the money can be used to buy souvenirs for the family. In addition, the current pandemic season of COVID-19, “said Mahmudin .

Two vessels belonging to PT Dharma Lautan Utama depart from the port of Sampit on Saturday morning at 07:00 WIB and 08:00 WIB. In addition to transporting passengers, these two roro-type vessels also transport vehicles.

PT Dharma Lautan Utama Sampit official Hendrik Sugiharto said that KM Kirana I for Semarang carried 247 passengers, nine small cars, two small logistics transports, two large transports and a number of motorcycles.

Meanwhile, KM Kirana III in Surabaya transported 251 people, five small vehicles, seven large vehicles and a number of motorcycles.

The departures implementation enforces strict health protocols, including that every passenger is required to show the results of the COVID-19 rapid test.

He did not deny that some passengers chose to return home early. However, Hendrik stressed that the departure of their ship was a regular departure time because this year the government banned the return to the Lebaran house.

“On average, our passengers avoid the ban on returning home from May 6 to 17. However, for the moment, we consider that it has not shown an increase as it is still below carrying capacity. The capacity of the KM Kirana I is 590 passengers and the KM Kirana III is 630 passengers, filled below 50 percent, ”said Hendrik.

Also Read: DPR Vice President Supports President’s Policy Regarding Ban on Returning Home
Also read: Korlantas socializes elimination of homecoming through security operations

Journalist: Rendhik Andika / Norjani
Editor: Kelik Dewanto

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