Timeline of ART Kidnapping Children of TNI Members, Geez, Really Desperate

Sunday 23 May 2021 – 14:47 WIB

Timeline of ART Kidnapping Children of TNI Members, Geez, Truly Despicable - JPNN.com

Domestic Assistant (ART) who abducted a child from a member of the Jakarta Military Command during a press conference at the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Sunday (5/23/2021) Photo: Kenny Kurnia Putra / JPNN.com

medialnews, JAKARTA – The housekeeper (ART) who abducted a 9-month-old baby, the child of a member of the Jakarta military command, has been arrested by police.

This household member with the initials S was arrested at his home in Indramayu, West Java.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan said the incident started when a member of the household who had only been working for 6 days brought the 9-month-old baby to Indramayu while his parents were working.

“The suspect took the victim by transporting the victim and then went by public transport to the Kampung Rambutan terminal,” Erwin told the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Sunday (5/23).

S then took the victim, 2 pairs of clothes for the victim, 4 cocooning pieces and 1 box of milk with a bottle of milk.

“The suspect and the victim used public transport from city buses and cars to reach Indramayu, in West Java,” he continued.

The victim was then taken to the perpetrator’s aunt for treatment.

Within 24 hours, the author was brought to safety by the Indramayu police chief with the Dandim.


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