Time capsule monument! Jokowi’s message reveals the spirit of Indonesia’s development rays

PariwisataIndonesia.id – Previously, the editorial team recommended exploring anti-mainstream tourism with a trip to Taman 1000 Musamus which is located on Jl. Pattimura, Salor Indah, Kurik, Merauke Regency, Papua. This time, let’s visit the Time Capsule monument and still in the Merauke area.

Also read: Termite Apartments, Anti-Mainstream Tour at 1000 Musamus Park

The Time Capsule monument is a monument in the shape of the Avengers logo. This is a new historical monument of Indonesia, a collection of dreams and hopes of young people from all over Indonesia, located in Alun-alun, Klp. Lima, Kec. Merauke, Merauke Regency, Papua 99615.

Before covering the Time Capsule monument, it should be noted!

Indonesia is known as a country rich in various natural resources. Even though people live in differences, live in diversity, they have more than thousands of ethnic groups, different ethnic groups, different beliefs in religion, language and culture.

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It is the color of the plurality of the Indonesian nation. However, people still live side by side in harmony and peace.

“Indonesia!” Yes, we are all brothers, “Indonesia”.

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Through the motto of the country “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, the meaning is that even if it varies, it is always a thing.

Live in areas scattered over thousands of distant islands. But we are all brothers. We are all “Indonesians” stretched from Sabang to Merauke.

The world is familiar with “Papua” and Merauke Regency! One of them is through songs from Sabang to Merauke. The question of the two names is full of history.

“Is it so special, Province of Papua?” To answer this, we must investigate the long history of the glory of the ancestors of the archipelago. Papua has always been popular!

Facts revealed, it is surprising. Papua was global before independence from Indonesia.

The name “New Guinea” as we know it today, Papua New Guinea is the name of Papua New Guinea. But in ancient times, New Guinea was a single island in Papua. In addition, there is a philosophical meaning behind the name.

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History reports that the Dutch called the island of Papua New Guinea. As the British call it New Guinea. Then the name of New Guinea began to be widely introduced by Spanish sailors named Ynigo Ortiz de Retes in 1545.

In addition, President Soekarno revealed that what was just as important was that he was involved in popularizing the name Irian. According to Bung Karno, the abbreviation Irian has been interpreted as “Join the Republic of Anti-Netherlands Indonesia”.

Who else? “There is Frans Kaisiepo!

Frans is a national hero of Papua and his photo was engraved on a Rp 10,000 dollar bill, proposing the name Irian at the Malino Conference in 1946. He urged to change the name Netherland from Niew Guinea to Irian at this time -the.

Also read: Papua also has mummies!

Who else? “Antonio d’Arbreu!

Antoni also widely introduced the existence of Papua. He was a Portuguese sailor in 1551 who successfully landed his ship on the west coast of Papua. From him, he also inscribed Papua on the world maritime map.

The name “Papua” was created thanks to the kindness of Gus Dur!

The history of presidential leadership in Indonesia also indicates that Papua’s name has changed its name several times.

Initially, Irian. Then West Irian. Continuation to Irian Jaya. It was only later, when 4th President Gus Dur took office, the country’s number one in 2000, gave his name back to Papua and has survived to this day.

“Oh, yes, it’s worth remembering that you refused to forget!”

Not all Indonesians understand Papuan culture and its people, considering it to be far away.

But for those who have visited Papua, they are sure to be wowed and have a memorable experience of returning to this Cendrawasih Land.

“Papua is so beautiful and exotic!”

Not only is the visit charming, but Merauke is like heaven on earth!

This regency is located at the eastern tip of Indonesia. Beauty, from under the sea on top of the mountain to the vast expanse of land. Hundreds of tribes are scattered with them, including culinary delights, traditional houses, traditional clothing, traditional dances, and a myriad of abundant natural resources.

What about natural resources in Papua? “The attraction is not fully revealed!”

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This island has not been fully exposed. In fact, a myriad of studies continue to uncover vestiges of the past that are not yet complete.

Not to mention, interference from foreign countries continues to attract tug of war. We must suspect that they have interests.

“Seeing the Land of Cendrawasih again makes it irritating!”

The reason is that there will never be an end. There are always stories and novelties to position The Land of Heaven cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, the editorial team strongly recommends that Merauke is a must visit for friends of tourism.

“Have you visited a tourist attraction such as the SOTA border, namely the border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea?”

“Wasur National Park, did you even?

This national park preserves the beauty of Merauke’s unique flora and fauna. One of them is a tour of the 1000 Musamus Park, showcasing the Termite Apartments (Anti Tourism Mainstream at 1000 Musamus Park. Upon arrival at the anti-mainstream tourist location, you are guaranteed to be amazed. and amazed. Red).

Certainly, thanks to President Jokowi, the Papuan people have started to enjoy the results of development. There is a Trans Papua road under construction, the Youtefa Bridge, there is a lot more sea and air infrastructure coming soon to Merauke.

Time capsule monument

Then, the editorial staff of Indonesian Tourism appreciated its creation The new monument of Indonesia is present in Papua, called the Time Capsule monument. It is believed that the presence of the capsule is not as straightforward as it seems, the editorial team understands and guesses like eating Simalakama fruit.

“Eaten by the dead father, not eaten by the dead mother!”

Implicit messages interpreted as the expression of the spirit of the development of Indonesia from Merauke is appropriate and appropriate. It is time for the Papuan people to benefit from the development. In fact, this has also been accompanied by the development of human resources for indigenous Papuans.

President Joko Widodo’s 2015-2018 Indonesian dream is being kept on Wednesday in a time capsule planted in Merauke. (Photo: Antara)

To this end, the Pariwisata Indonesia editorial interviewed the founder and CEO of PT. Prima Visi Kreasindo Umi Kalsum amid a busy and busy schedule for the owner of 10 online sites of the Indonesian Tourism Media Network under the auspices of Media Group PVK in Jakarta on Saturday (11/4).

According to Umi, the policies of the central government are like giving a message for the future by accelerating the development of infrastructure. He appreciated and approved the decision.

In response to this, he congratulated President Jokowi for taking this step where appropriate and called on all elements of the nation to also lend their support to the head of state. Umi believes that the acceleration of the Indonesian vision has certainly taken a big step forward.

“The head of state has great enthusiasm for building this nation. Thoughts from Pak Jokowi Right off the bat, the infrastructure budget for the #indonesiamaju building is spectacular. The pandemic did not become an obstacle for the planned development to continue. Indonesia’s seventh president has the courage to join the agency in the national development agenda, ”Umi Kalsum said.

Umi also revealed that the infrastructure under construction makes it easier for local tourists and foreign tourists to come to remote areas. The pier, the airport is fine.

The road is the same, including the development of an area which is built to support the stretch of tourism in the region. In fact, he said, after the big Asian Games event, there were even more international events in Indonesia that were being pushed. Everything is presented to the Persada homeland for Indonesia to be globally respected.

In addition, Umi said that the figure of President Jokowi is simple and always emphasizes diversity from a cultural point of view.

“He showed it through the traditional clothes of the archipelago that he always wore at various state events. In natural disasters like today, President Jokowi is not silent. He appeared at the forefront by stressing that the state was present in the midst of the tests experienced by some provinces of Indonesia to eradicate the suffering of those affected, ”he said.

He continued, it is quite appropriate that recently Jokowi launched the Kharisma Nusantara event as a calendar of domestic tourism events for 2021. This event sums up 34 provinces as a promotional strategy to attract more domestic and foreign tourists. , last Friday (10/4).

Umi added, prior to that, the president announced and continued to ensure the acceleration of the development of 5 super priority destinations in 2021, which would be immediately achieved through Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno.

Currently, he said, Kemenparekraf’s heavy task deserves to be appreciated. Sandiaga Uno, who is known as a fast-paced minister, cannot walk alone, he must achieve synergy and collaboration with all relevant ministries. But he believes that Menparekraf is not an arbitrary person and that his track record as an entrepreneur is quite calculated. In addition, the support network below was firmly established.

He believes that the number one person in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is in a position to take Indonesian tourism much further. The Minister’s vision for the future is swift and agile on the track. Even Umi said, Sandi seems to have a lot of energizing battery reserves. The energy can be seen in the mind of the former vice governor of DKI Jakarta.

Umi also commented on the implementation of the XX National Sports Week (PON) in October 2021, he assured and invited: “It is very fitting that Papua is getting attention and being prioritized. PON XX, let’s support its implementation on the easternmost island of Indonesia, ”he said. Umi.

Closing the interview, the editorial team asked for their perspective on the Time Capsule monument. He replied, “This monument contains dreams of Indonesian children from Sabang to Merauke. Later it will be reopened after 70 years and then we will be in 2085. I hope and hope that Indonesia will be prosperous and that its people will also enjoy this happiness, ”concluded Srikandi, born in Palembang, with the zodiac sign of Aries.

Recorded in Indonesian history, before being stored, the time capsule was symbolically transported and relayed from Aceh province to all provinces and ending in Merauke Regency, Papua province. Construction of the monument was inaugurated by President Jokowi on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence in 2015.

At another time, the Indonesian Dream Time Capsule monument in 2085, stored seven dreams of the nation’s children who are permanently placed in a capsule in Merauke, Papua Province and including President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana attended on Friday (16/11/2018).

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