This is the customs effort to eliminate illegal cigarettes

medialnews, JAKARTA – Customs and Excise continue to make massive efforts to eradicate the circulation of illegal cigarettes in various control zones.

In addition to combating illegal cigarettes, Customs is also seeking to increase public knowledge about excise regulations.

“Along with a better understanding of excise duties, the desire to commit violations can be avoided as they understand the legal consequences,” said the head of the public relations section for Customs and Excise Sudiro.

The eradication of illegal cigarettes is organized under the Illegal Cigarette Gempur program.

The operation is carried out simultaneously by all customs and excise control units. Including customs and excise duties of Pekanbaru, Riau.

“The officers there not only take action, but also provide an understanding of illegal cigarettes,” Sudiro said.

Some of the efforts under the campaign program to combat illegal cigarettes have been carried out either through market operations by visiting stores that sell.

Then, the socialization of illegal cigarettes through social media, as well as through media publications such as posters, flyers, banners, leaflets and others.

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