They say there are KPK investigators pressing the mayor, Firli reacts harshly

Thursday April 22, 2021 – 2:25 AM WIB

KPK investigators are said to be pressing mayor, Firli reacts harshly -

President of KPK Firli Bahuri. Photo: Nova Wahyudi / Antara

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri has reacted strongly to suspicions of intimidation by investigators of the mayor of Tanjungbalai, north Sumatra, HM Syahrial.

Currently, the anti-corruption agency is investigating the veracity of the alleged extortion by KPK investigators from the national police.

KPK investigators are said to have asked Syahrial for around 1.5 billion rupees under the lure of being able to secure a case suspected of entangling the mayor.

“The KPK is currently investigating the alleged crime by requesting information and gathering other preliminary evidence,” Firli Bahuri said in his statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (21/4).

The former South Sumatran Kapolda (Sumsel) said the results of the investigation would be followed by a case headline immediately at the KPK leadership exhibition forum.

“We will keep you informed of future developments,” said Firli Bahuri.

He also took care not to discriminate against investigators suspected of having committed extortion in accordance with the principle zero tolerance it’s in the KPK.

“The KPK will not tolerate irregularities and will ensure that it takes action against perpetrators of corruption indiscriminately,” Firli said.


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