These are the facts of the Candy Dinar House raid, it turns out …: Okezone Celebrity

JAKARTA – Candy Dinar’s house would have been looted. This was uploaded by Candy Dinar on her social networks.

Three men were seen checking items in the room. Dinar watched the research while chatting with one of the people in the room.

“If not, who is it for?” Asked a man, quoted Thursday (22/4/2021).

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Dinar Candy then responded to the man with a challenge. “Urine test!” he said dryly.

Through the written upload statement, Dinar explained that the incident in the video was a police raid.

“Oh, I feel like I’m being attacked !! I’m confused, so suddenly a lot of police came to my house,” he wrote.

The download also collects various responses from Internet users and other artists. It is not yet known what exactly happened to Dinar.

“Seriously, what’s the content, Nar?” Comments from Ruly Abi.

“Why beb?” Comments from Deasy Kittaro.

“Prank’s birthday, the deck? The happy birthday deck. Healthy, successful and happy,” commented Jefangga Silalahi.


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