The response of 5 Islamic political parties to the birth of the Ummat party

Ummat party adheres to Islamic ideology and is ready to uphold justice in Indonesia

medialnews, — The Ummat party was finally declared Thursday April 29 in Yogyakarta by the former president of the MPR Amien Rais. The declaration of the new party was made virtually via the official Youtube channel Amien Rais.

Amien Rais was appointed chairman of the Syuro Council of the Ummat party, while the general chairman was held by Amien Rais’ son-in-law, Ridho Rahmadi.

Vice President I of the Syuro Council is held by Mr. S. Kaban, Vice President II by Thalib Sagaf Aldjufri, and the Secretary of the Syuro Council is held by Ansufri Idrus Sambo.

The General Secretary is occupied by Ahmad Muhajir Sodruddin, General Treasurer Benny Suharto, General Vice President I Agung Mozin, General Vice President II Sugeng and General Vice President II Chandra Tirta Wijaya.

Amien Rais said the Ummat party is working against injustice in Indonesia. The Ummah party will also make sacrifices to uphold justice.

Amien Rais is known as a figure of Muhammadiyah, a Muslim intellectual and a figure of the 1998 Reformation. Currently, Amien is also known as a critical and vocal figure towards the government.

Ridho Rahmadi said the Ummat party was focusing on the two programs that would be implemented. First, related to the terminology of political investment by encouraging the younger generation to participate in Indonesian politics.

“I am sure that the entry of this young generation will become a model of development which, God willing, will hurry and come to an end,” said Ridho, Thursday (4/29) evening.

The entry of the younger generation into Indonesian politics is still very limited. The Ummat party has a work program to integrate the younger generation into politics, both nationally and nationally.

Second, the Ummat party will focus on investments in information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI). The use of IT and AI in Indonesian politics is still limited.

Currently, IT and AI are only used to transmit information. In fact, Ridho said, computing and AI can be used to drive economic growth, and can even be used as the design of a strong national defense system.

“I’m sure if we pack it right, IT and AI can be used as a long term program to build the character of the nation,” he added.

He hopes that thanks to computers and artificial intelligence, he can build a pillar of sovereignty in Indonesia. Thus, Indonesia can become a model for other countries of the world.

A number of groups have also responded to the birth of the Ummat party, including those of Islamic political parties (parpol). Here are the responses from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), National Awakening Party (PKB), Star Moon Party (PBB) and Masyumi Party for the Ummat Party.

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