The narrow segmentation of the Ummah party is seen as a weakness

Observers view the narrow segmentation of the Ummah party as a weakness as well as a strength.

medialnews, JAKARTA – The executive director of the Voxpol Center for Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, has estimated that the Ummat party which has just been declared by Amien Rais is trying to target a Muslim electoral base whose political sects are disagree with the government. On the one hand, the option of reducing voter segmentation is a weakness, but on the other hand, it will become a strength if the base segment is taken seriously.

“This means that indirectly parties which have the same segmentation and the same electoral base will have new competitors, especially their old parties,” Pangi said in his written statement.

Pangi sees that as a high-ranking politician, Amien is seen to have calculated and assessed his political journey so far. Even though the formation of the Ummat party explicitly reduced the space for the movement of this new party, the voters of this segment were still very numerous, who had not been elaborated and represented politically.

“In accordance with this, of course, we will also ask what is the differentiation with other Islamic parties, is it an open or a closed party, is it a figure / mass-based party, a party based on the ideology, is it an IT party, or a party of executives? ”he said.

Pangi also believes that Amien Rais’ efforts to rebuild his political power are to be appreciated. According to him, at the age of Amien, who is no longer considered young, Amien still has the energy and enthusiasm to build a new political party.

“It is common knowledge that this is not an easy task,” he said.

According to him, it is possible that the loyalists of Amien Rais, who consider Amin Rais as his political teacher, will join the Ummat party. Although at this time, some still remain in the PAN for pragmatic and transactional reasons in order to secure political office positions and interests.

“Hopefully, Amien Rais’ political ijtihad this time to fight injustice and uphold justice, which I have heard so far, will become the platform for his party’s ideology to stand out. materializes, but the political path is not easy, “he said.

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