The Democrats file a summons to the KLB camp, here is the content …

There are four points raised in the summons.

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Democratic Party of the PDP sent a summons against the Democrats Extraordinary Congress (KLB) to Deli Serdang in North Sumatra, which is chaired by the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP ) Moeldoko. The summons was published in one of the mass media on Monday (19/4).

The convocation of the Cikeas camp was passed on to Moeldoko and several former Democratic Party cadres who supported KLB. They are Jhoni Allen Marbun, Marzuki Alie, Darmizal, Max Sopacua, Muhammad Rahmad and all KLB attendees at Hill Hotel and Resort Sibolangit, Deli Serdang.

“The Democratic Party PDP Defense Team for and on behalf of the Democratic Party PDP has conducted an open summons,” Democratic Party PDP Strategic Communication Agency chief Herzaky Mahendra Putra said in a statement. official statement obtained by the Republika on Monday 4).

Herzaky said there were four points set out in the summons. The first point concerns the management of the DPP of the Democratic Party which has been endorsed by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

“The legitimate general chairman (Ketum) of the DPP Democratic Party for the 2020-2025 term is Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as stated in the Democratic Party legal entity, AD / ART of the Democratic Party,” Herzaky said.

The second point, Herzaky continued, was that the KLB in Deli Serdang was problematic. Those who were convicted were seen as deliberately wearing party attributes, including jackets, backdrops, flags and the Democratic march. The Moeldoko camp’s submission regarding the KLB results management approval application to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights was also rejected.

“Menkumham rejected the Moeldoko camp’s ratification request on March 31, 2021,” Herzaky said.

On the third point, Herzaky mentioned that the Moeldoko camp still used the democratic attribute even though the legalization of management was rejected. He complained that the Moeldoko camp always spoke, made statements, showed its position and acted on behalf and as if it presented itself as the Democratic Party.

“The actions carried out by the candidates are qualified as illegal acts, contrary to the law, to the statutes of the Democratic Party and contrary to the decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights,” Herzaky said.

On the last point, Herzaky said the Democratic Party urged the Moeldoko camp to end all Democrat-related programs. He said Democrats would take legal action if the Moeldoko camp continued to violate them.

“We will take firm action using all legal efforts,” Herzaky said.

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