The cooperation objective between DKI and Gapoktan Cilacap in 2021 covers 1000 hectares of rice fields

Jakarta (medialnews) – The cooperation goal of DKI Provincial Government of Jakarta through BUMD PT Tjipinang Jaya Food Station with Sumber Makmur (Gapoktan) Farmers Group in Jenang Village, Majenang, Cilacap, Central Java , in 2021, covers 1000 hectares of rice fields.

“The collaboration between Food Station and Gapoktan Sumber Makmur Cilacap takes the form of a collaboration initiated in 2018, in 2021, the objective is to cooperate with 1000 hectares of rice fields”, said the director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya Pamrihadi Wiraryo in a statement received in Jakarta on Saturday.

In 2018, the collaboration between Food Station and Gapoktan Sumber Makmur Cilacap covered 250 hectares of rice fields. Then move in 2019 to an area of ​​500 hectares.
Best of all, this article was originally published in Indonesian.
In 2020, an area of ​​850 hectares and the cooperation objective in 2021 is 1000 hectares, the seriousness of which is marked by a joint harvest of 50 hectares which was also attended by the governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

With a target of 1000 hectares of land for cooperation in 2021, it is expected that an average productivity of 5.7 tons per hectare will provide a potential yield of 5,700 tons of harvested dried cereals (GKP) or 2,964 tons of rice with the Ciherang, Metik Varieties Wangi and Muncul.

The target of the 1000 hectare rice field contract is part of the total land contract of PT Food Station in 2021 with an area of ​​6210 hectares with various groups of farmers in various regions, namely Lampung, Sidoarjo, Sragen, Demak, Subang, Karawang, Indramayu and Cilacap.

Read also: Governor Anies Baswedan harvests rice in Cilacap
Also read: Food stock in central Jakarta is safe until Eid

Workers transport rice to the Cipinang Main Rice Market (PIBC), Jakarta, Wednesday (3/18/2020). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Dhemas Reviyanto / wsj.

On the target, until March 9, 2021, 5,916 hectares have been completed. While not all, PT Food Station estimates that by 2021 it will be able to secure around 35,300 tonnes of grain, which is expected to produce 17,000 to 18,000 tonnes of rice.

Although using a land contract system, PT Food Station also provides assistance to Gapoktan Sumber Makmur, especially in assisting with variety selection and post-harvest assistance.

“PT Food Station as Buyer providing price guarantees, cutting the chain of buying unhulled rice from farmers so that farmers can remain prosperous and this collaboration can be used by farmers to secure funding, ”Pamrihadi said.

With this illustration of food stocks, Food Station is convinced that food prices will be relatively stable. Maybe later the one that will be quite high will be garlic, as it depends on the import allowance provided by the government.

“If the import allowance is given too late, of course there will be unrest,” Pamrihadi said.

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Sri Muryono

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