The bodies of the Trio disassembled for the autopsy at the RSCM

The autopsy of the body of KIPI Trio will be divided into three.

medialnews, JAKARTA – The grave of Trio Fauqi Firdaus (22), a young man from Buaran, East Jakarta, who died one day after being vaccinated by AstraZeneca was dismantled this morning, Monday (24/5). Trio’s body was disassembled for post-immunization follow-up events (KIPI) autopsy at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

Trio’s brother Viki said that after digging for a few minutes, the RSCM doctor first carried out an investigation. The aim is to make sure that the body is the Trio Fauqi Firdaus.

“They investigated the face of the body that was brought in by my late brother, the Fauqi Firdaus Trio. They also identified the teeth and identities that were left behind (during the funeral). Pins are still involved. Because when the deceased died, they couldn’t be opened, ”Viki told reporters.

Previously, Viki said, the family had been informed that the autopsy would be divided into three. Among them, clinical pantology, anatomical pantology, microfis and also macrophages. However, the RSCM said, the condition of the corpse that had been buried for 16 days required a more careful autopsy to ensure the result.

“The condition of the corpse was 16 days, in fact the RSCM party had declared that the results could not be confirmed later that it was a correct diagnosis,” he explained.

The family hopes that this autopsy can clarify the cause of death. “What is expected from the start is clarity due to this death. Because until now we are still adamant that this is purely due to the vaccines,” he said.

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