The best in cooking, during the month of Ramadan, Isyana Sarasvati explores a lot of cuisine

medialnewsBeautiful singer Isyana Sarasvati feel happy to be able to fast in the month of Ramadan with her husband, Rayhan Maditra Indrayanto. According to him, this will be Isyana’s second month of Ramadan with her beloved husband.

“This is the second fast with my husband. It’s good to have friends at home. Even though the pandemic is at home, the fast is not alone. Then thank goodness it all went down. went well, ”Isyana said in Pondok Indah, south Jakarta. , Saturday (17/4/2021).

1. No more exploration cooking

Just like other wives, the 27-year-old singer also always cooks a meal and breaks the fast for her husband. Isyana admitted that during the Covid-19 pandemic, he explored the latest food menus.

“Yes, (cooking) during the pandemic, I became a kitchen explorer,” he said.

2. Cooking is not a new hobby

For Isyana, cooking is not just a hobby. Incidentally, the singer of the song Masih Dalam Jiwa is a singer who loves to eat. For this reason, Isyana loves to cook.

“I love eating. Because I love to eat, so I have to be able to cook the foods that I eat. Eventually I learned to cook, after having a husband I became more and more passionate, ”she says.

3. Already a wonderful woman

Having cooking skills, Isyana feels that she has managed to prove that she is a great woman.

“Yes, I want to prove that I am the best wife. So I already cooked it, said my husband that he likes to eat pasta, steak and fried rice in Isyana style”, concluded Isyana. .

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