The AGO delegates the Asabri stage I case to the prosecutor

Jakarta (medialnews) – The Special Crimes Investigation Team of the Junior Attorney General of the Attorney General’s Office (Jampidsus Kejagung) has turned over to the Attorney General the Phase I (I) files of nine suspects in the case of alleged corruption at PT Asabri (JPU).

Meanwhile, the value of the suspect’s assets confiscated by investigators is insufficient to cover the state losses suffered by the case.

The head of the legal information center (Kapuspenum) AGO Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in a written statement received on Sunday, said that after being delegated, the research prosecutor (prosecutor P.16) would review the completeness of the 9 files.

Read also: The AGO examined three directors and two bank officials regarding the Asabri affair

“The research on the first stage of case files focuses on meeting formal requirements and material requirements,” Leonard said.

He said the research on the completeness of the formal requirements as well as the completeness of the material requirements was completed within 14 days.

In the event that the investigating prosecutor or the public prosecutor considers that the results of the investigation are still incomplete, the investigating prosecutor or the general prosecutor will return the file along with the completion instructions.

“The files of the first phase were transferred on Friday (30/4) to the public prosecutor (JPU) of the Prosecuting Directorate of the Deputy Attorney General for special crimes,” Leonard said.

Files on behalf of the nine suspects, namely ARD as Managing Director of PT Asabri for the period 2011 to March 2016,
SW as CEO of PT. Asabri for the period from March 2016 to July 2020, BE as former CFO of PT. Asabri for the period October 2008 to June 2014, HS as Director of PT. Asabri for the period 2013 to 2014 and 2015 to 2019.

Then, IWS as head of the investment division of PT. Asabri from July 2012 to January 2017, LP as CEO of PT. Prima Network, BTS as Director of PT. Hanson Internasional, HH as Director of PT. Trada Alam Minera and Director of PT. Maxima Integra and JS as Director of Investor Relations with Jakarta Issuers.

Read also: AGO examines suspect’s wife with PT Asabri officials

In the file, the article of suspicion applied to suspects, namely Primair article 2 paragraph (1) jo. Article 18 of law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes as amended and supplemented by law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the modifications of law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption jo. Article 55, paragraphs (1) to 1, of the Criminal Code.

Subsidair Article 3 jo. Article 18 of law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption crimes as amended and supplemented by law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the modifications of law no. 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption jo. Article 55, paragraphs (1) to 1, of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, the submission of the first stage of the cases was made when the assets of the suspects collected by the Jampidsus investigation team had not yet reached the value of the state losses caused by the alleged corruption at PT Asabri. which reached 23.73 billion rupees. .

So far, the provisional face value of confiscated assets confiscated from suspects to recover state losses has only reached IDR 10.5 trillion.

Jampidsus AGO’s director of investigations, Febrie Adriansyah, said the search for assets was still ongoing.

According to him, the delegation of the first phase of Asabri was to give research prosecutors the opportunity to see the evidentiary power of the cases.

“We will see the results of the discussion later on how well the Attorney General’s instructions are, from there we also see that there is still time to search for assets,” Febrie said.

Also Read: AGO Checks PT Prima Network Commissioner Regarding Asabri

Febrie also revealed that because Asabri’s suspect was the same as Jiwasraya’s suspect, a lot of his property was confiscated from Jiwasraya.

“But indeed, it is because he is related to the same person as Jiwasraya, yes indeed a lot of our assets were confiscated during the Jiwasraya crime,” Febrie said.

In this case, AGO investigators estimated the value of the state’s financial losses at IDR 23.73 billion. The state’s losses in this case were much greater than in the Jiwasraya case.

Of the nine suspects Asabri. Benny and Heru are both suspects in the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya corruption case.

In addition, the Attorney General’s Office attached Money Laundering Articles (TPPU) to three suspects, namely Benny Tjockrosaputro, Heru Hidayat and Jimmy Sutopo.

Also Read: PT JBU Refused To Have Its Assets Confiscated And Auctioned Regarding Asabri Case

Journalist: Laily Rahmawaty
Editor: Tasrief Tarmizi

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