Syahrul Yasin Limpo wants to strengthen the vision and mission of the National Energy Council

To accelerate the EBT development program in the future, DEN should create a working group or a working group

Jakarta (medialnews) – Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo, as a member of the government’s National Energy Council (DEN), wants to strengthen DEN’s vision and mission, especially in an effort to accelerate the use of biofuels (BBN) in the countryside.

Stakeholder (APK) DEN member Satya Widya Yudha in Jakarta said on Tuesday that the Minister of Agriculture is impatient and wants to accelerate the realization of the biofuels program which helps reduce carbon emissions, by particularly in the land transport sub-sector.

“He (Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo) wants to realize DEN’s vision and mission,” Satya said explaining the results of DEN APK’s working visit to Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo who was conducted virtually, Monday (5/24/2021).

The meeting was attended by APK DEN, namely Agus Puji Prasetyono, Musri, Satya Widya Yudha, Herman Darnel Ibrahim, Daryatmo Mardiyanto, Eri Purnomohadi, As Natio Lasman and Yusra Khan.

Subsequently, there was also the secretary general of the DEN Djoko Siswanto, the head of the energy policy and trial facilitation office Yunus Saefulhak, the head of the general office Totoh Abdul Fatah and the head of the facilitation office for crisis management and energy control, Mustika Pertiwi.

Agriculture Minister Syahrul said that the Agriculture Ministry has carried out several activities related to the development of new and renewable energies (EBT), namely the provision of bioenergy feedstocks by developing bioenergetic feedstocks which have been widely used. planted, including palm oil. , carry out studies and develop potentially bioenergetic products such as jatropha and kemiri sunan, the use of biomass from agricultural waste and the development of biogas from livestock manure, which are carried out in stages.

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture has also implemented several strategies to increase the productivity and quality of oil palm plantations in both small and large plantations.

Some of the strategies are the rejuvenation of smallholder oil palm farmers (PSRs) covering an area of ​​500,000 ha for three years (2020-2022) in 21 provinces and 106 districts / towns of oil palm centers, developing a model of company for the oil palm. farmers, encouraging competitiveness and downstream for the palm oil industry, and supporting regulations for sure to try.

“To accelerate the EBT development program in the future, DEN will create a task force or a task force,” Agriculture Minister Syahrul said.

Satya Yudha added that cross-sectoral support in the implementation of national policies is a must according to the main function of establishing the DEN.

“I welcome the invitation of the Minister of Agriculture to act directly and achieve the reduction of carbon emissions by using biofuels either through priority crops or otherwise,” he said.

During the meeting, the structure and tasks of the DEN were also presented as well as an explanation of the DEN Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (Renstra).

The DEN APK working visit aims to obtain feedback on the improvement of the DEN 2021-2025 strategic plan, in particular with regard to the cross-sectoral policies of the Ministry of Agriculture to achieve the national energy mix target.

The DEN is a national, independent and permanent institution responsible for national energy policy.

The tasks of the DEN are to design and formulate national energy policies; establish a general national energy plan; plan measures to overcome energy crises and emergencies and oversee the implementation of energy sector policies of a cross-sectoral nature; and regulates the arrangements for the type, quantity, time and location of energy buffers.

The vision of the DEN 2021-2025 strategic plan is the achievement of a national energy mix based on the principles of justice, sustainability and environmental vision in order to create resilience, independence and energy sovereignty guided by the ideology of Pancasila.

Some of the DEN 2021-2025 work programs build resilience towards Indonesia’s energy independence and sovereignty; identify and secure potential areas prone to energy crises and emergencies; supervision and assistance in calculating the national and regional energy mix; assists in the preparation of 14 RUED provincial regulations and synchronization of 13 K / L strategic plans with RUEN.

Read also: DEN: President wants to align GSEN with RUEN
Also Read: DEN: Electric Vehicles Can Reduce Indonesia’s Current Account Deficit
Also read: DEN: electric stoves are more efficient and environmentally friendly

Journalist: Kelik Dewanto
Editor: Biqwanto Situmorang

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