Suspect’s lawyer does not know Asabri’s flow of funds to Bitcoin

“We didn’t even know there was a flow of funds to Bitcoin,” said Bob Hasan.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Benny Tjokro’s lawyer Bob Hasan admitted he was unaware there was a suspected corrupt fund flow from PT Asabri in cryptocurrency transactions, Bitcoin . The flow of funds to Bitcoin transactions has already been disclosed by the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).

Damn itI just found out that there were these charges. We also didn’t know there was a flow of funds to Bitcoin, ”said Bob Hasan, Wednesday (21/4).

Bob Hasan recently viewed the statement by Investigative Director Jampidsus Febrie Ardiansyah regarding the flow of suspected corrupt funds from PT Asabri to Bitcoin as the personal opinion of investigators. This, according to him, is due to the fact that the prosecution has not yet completed the calculation of state losses.

On Friday (4/16) last week, the Attorney General’s Special Crimes Investigation Team (Jampidsus) at AGO interviewed the Director of the PT. Indodax Nasional Indonesia with the initials OAD. OAD has been investigated to trace the alleged flow of corrupt funds from PT Asabri to the Bitcoin buying and selling company.

“Since he was questioned as a witness it is certain that there must be a suspect suspected of using the facility,” Director of Investigations at Attorney General Jampidsus’ office Febrie Adriansyah said on Friday. , at the AGO in Jakarta.

Febrie said the review was to determine whether suspect Asabri was saving or depositing funds in Bitcoin. “Is it in the interest of guarding or hiding, good it’s getting deeper, ”Febrie said.

Regarding the identity of the suspect alleged to be using PT Indodax Nasional’s Bitcoin facility, Febrie said he was linked to Benny Tjokrosaputro and Heru Hidayat, who were also suspects in the Jiwasraya corruption case. “He remains linked to special suspects Benny Tjokro and Heru Hidayat,” Febrie said.

source: Antara

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