Splashy Krisdayanti calls himself a Bill of Pockets to look young, here are the facts …

medialnews – Later, the name of Krisdayanti became the star of Internet users after receiving treatment in a beauty clinic. Due to the use of DNA processing in salmon, many believe it has spent billions.

During his recent meeting at his residence, Krisdayanti denied that the price of tasting the treatment had reached billions. Because the estimated cost for non-packages ranges from seven to fifteen million rupees.

“They say the price is fantastic, it’s not at all true,” said the 46-year-old.

1. Don’t pay

Krisdayanti didn’t pay for the treatment at all. Ms. Aurel Hermansyah did not pay because she was used as an advertising model by the clinic.

“I still have a contract with a clinic in Jakarta where there is a salmon DNA injection treatment. For God’s price, it’s free until now because I’ve become an advertising model, ”the singer explained. Choose me this with a smile.

2. No injection of salmon DNA

In addition, Krisdayanti straightened up if the face was not injected like the name of the treatment. But I got a photo with a laser.

“Instead of being injected with salmon DNA, the oil treatment is laser applied to the face. And salmon DNA is one of the options offered by beauty clinics to give women’s skin fresher, elastic and glowing skin. But what I do now is thermage, it rejuvenates the skin and makes the skin look younger, brighter and more shaded. It’s just a beauty technique, ”he concluded.

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