South Jakarta city government asked travelers who had returned to Jakarta to take a test

Jakarta (medialnews) – City government (Pemkot (South Jakarta) asks travelers who have returned to Jakarta to be proactive by performing antigen swab test if they do not present COVID-19 information negative by contacting the RT / RW working group, the police and the local Koramil.

“Previously, we reviewed houses whose procedures had to be affixed with a sticker when they returned home and after being registered they had to pass the antigen collection test,” said the acting mayor of South Jakarta (Jaksel) Isnawa Adji in Jakarta on Sunday.

According to him, this participation is necessary to stop the transmission of COVID-19 after the return of Eid.

Isnawa reviewed the implementation of the antigen swab test as well as the installation of stickers among residents who had just returned to Jakarta after the return of Eid in RW 02 and RW 03 village of Pela Mampang, Mampang Prapatan district.

“The sticking of stickers is also part of the joint surveillance efforts, as is the careful monitoring of the governor, the regional police chief, the regional commander, to provide us with data on whoever returns home,” he said. he declares.

There are three different colors on the stickers affixed to travelers’ homes, namely a white sticker to indicate that after returning home, they should perform independent isolation while waiting for the swab antigen test to be performed.

Then, a yellow sticker indicates that the person concerned has carried out an independent isolation. During this time, the green sticker indicates that the affected person has taken the test and the result is negative.

“This is a form of collaboration between the sub-district government, Polsek, Koramil, Bimas, Babinsa, village chiefs and also supported by Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya,” he said.
Also read: Setiabudi Police noted that dozens of travelers did not return to Jakarta
Also Read: Lenteng Agung Affixed Stickers to Travelers Living in Independent Segregation

Journalist: Dewa Ketut Sudiarta Wiguna
Editor: Sri Muryono

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