See, police prepare special staff for rapid antigen test against May 1 mass

Saturday 01 May 2021 – 5:36 pm WIB

See, police prepare special staff for rapid antigen test against the May 1 mass -

Officers from the Jakarta Central Metro Police Medical and Sanitary Team (Dokkes) wore personal protective equipment (PPE) before performing a rapid antigen test on participants in the Labor Day protest or May 1 in the Horse Statue area, Saturday (1/5). Photo: Kenny Kurnia Putra /

medialnews, JAKARTA – Police at Jakarta Central Metro alerted 20 staff in the horse statue area, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, on Saturday (1/5) to organize a quick test Covid-19 for Labor Day or May 1 action participants.

Until 3:30 p.m. WIB, hundreds of people moved from the front of the Bawaslu building, Jalan MH THamrin, to the horse statue.

Jakarta Central Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Hengki Haryadi said the health worker would do so quick test antigen against protesters.

“It’s because the friends (protesters) are not following health protocols,” Hengki told protesters.

Hengki stressed that putting other people in a dangerous position during the Covid-19 pandemic is a crime.

“Korlapnya may be responsible for it,” he continued.

Officers from the Central Jakarta Police Medical and Sanitary Team (Dokkes) were seen wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). They were waiting next to a mass of demonstrators.(mcr8 / jpnn)

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