Satpol PP deployed 150 people to monitor Tanah Abang traders

The situation at Tanah Abang market is still relatively normal, there has been no surge in visitors during the first week of Ramadan

Jakarta (medialnews) – The Jakarta Central Public Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) has deployed 150 people to supervise traders at Tanah Abang market during the holy month of Ramadan 1442 Hijriah.

Bernard Tambunan, head of the Jakarta Satpol PP center, said he had set up eight monitoring posts to monitor and anticipate violations of health protocols in the event of an influx of visitors.

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“During the month of Ramadan, we will focus first on the custody of Tanah Abang. There are around 150 people involved in the eight posts,” Bernard said at a meeting at the central government office in the city of Jakarta, Tuesday.

Bernard explained that under supervision, his party would carry out an orderly operation of masks for visitors and traders and anticipate the crowds.

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However, until now, Bernard believes that the situation at Tanah Abang market is still relatively normal, there has not been an increase in the number of visitors during the first week of Ramadan, agents are still anticipating the crowds.

There are also eight stations established by Central Jakarta Satpol PP located around Tanah Abang Market in Jalan Jati Pinggir Tanah Abang.

“Above all, we want to make sure the health protocol is working. Even though some traders have been vaccinated, don’t let them ignore the health protocol,” Bernard said.

Also Read: Before Ramadan, Central Jakarta City Government Established Post at Tanah Abang Market

Previously, Central Jakarta Satpol PP also provided health protocol surveillance at 19 surveillance sites in eight sub-districts. This monitoring is carried out to anticipate crowds of residents just before dawn time from 00:00 WIB to 05:00 WIB and upon breaking the fast.

The orderly mask operation which took place from April 12-16 succeeded in securing 2,919 residents who were not wearing masks when moving outside the house. Six of the offenders were subject to administrative fines and the rest to social work penalties.

Journalist: Mentari Dwi Gayati
Editor: Ganet Dirgantara

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