Roman: The dismissal of 51 employees at the final stage of the weakening of the KPK

Novel estimated that 51 employees had been sacked by people targeted by KPK leaders.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) lead investigator Novel Baswedan said that 51 KPK employees who had been fired were people who had been targeted by leaders of the KPK. This statement responds to the dismissal of 51 KPK employees who failed the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment.

“Even if the president directed it, the leaders of the KPK remain insisted get rid of KPK employees with TWK justification. It was planned, and it became more obvious intentionally. This is the last stage in the weakening of the Corruption Eradication Commission, so the hope of the community must be fought until the last stage of what it can do, ”Novel said in his press release, Wednesday (5/26).

New views, with the change from 75 to 51, make it clear that TWK is only true as a tool to remove certain KPK employees who were previously targeted.
Of the 75 employees who failed the TWK, based on a meeting held by the KPK leadership with the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) and the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan- RB), only 24 could still be coached with official training. Meanwhile, the other 51 can no longer work at the KPK.

KPK leaders did not directly mention that they would lay off or fire the 51 employees. However, the KPK leadership said the 51 employees could no longer join the KPK and their shift would remain until November 1, 2021.

“Regarding the announcement of the KPK leadership which was made by AM (Alexander Marwata), it describes the attitude of the KPK leaders who will force the dismissal of 75 KPK employees, directly or indirectly,” said Novel.

The dismissal also confirms and clearly shows that there is a program of the KPK management to get rid of well-working employees. Novel believes that KPK leaders are still implementing the original plan to get rid of KPK employees using the TWK tool, even if it goes against legal standards and President Joko Widodo’s instructions ( Jokowi).

Novel believes that efforts to weaken the KPK by any means are not new. And the elimination of targeted KPK employees could be the last step in ending the fight to eradicate corruption.

“I’m sure my friends will keep their spirits up because not all struggles will be successful,” he said.

“However, we want to make sure that the fight to eradicate corruption, which is the hope of the Indonesian people, must be carried through to the end, so that even if it does not work, we will stand up to say that we have is making serious efforts, for ends that can be fought, ”he added.

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