Riza requested that the route be adjusted based on her designation

We use road bike enthusiasts according to their designation

Jakarta (medialnews) – DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria has called for the use of roads to be adjusted according to their designation, following a viral photo on social media from a group of bikers traveling in the right lane of a road in Jakarta.

“Of course we ask our friends, including bike enthusiastsroad bike ‘ we use the path according to its designation. It is not allowed to use the road, but the allocation is regulated by paying attention to when, which area, which route, ”Riza told Jakarta City Hall on Friday.

Riza warned that if road cyclists entered the public road, there were concerns that it could lead to a fatal accident.

“If a bicycle rides on a public road like this, it will be very dangerous. For that, we ask that in the future we take care of each other, we respect each other so that Jakarta can be better, safer and we organize everything for the We give everyone equal opportunities and as widely as possible, including bicycle users, ”he said.

He also recalled that during Anies Baswedan’s leadership period, this was the first time cyclists were comforted on the road, so he asked cyclists to respect the existing rules when using the cycle path.

Also read: Driver of car that hit cyclist at HI roundabout secured by police

“However, this respect should be best used by using existing paths, and not by using paths that are not cycle lanes,” said Riza.

Previously, a photo showing a group of cyclists driving in the right lane went viral on social media.

The photo also shows a motorcyclist raising his middle finger towards the group of cyclists.

Initially, this photo was posted by the @samartemaram account on Twitter on Thursday (5/27). The account contains information on motorcyclists who dare to point their middle finger at a group of cyclists using the right lane.

“How dare the anti-pollution fighters in the capital,” wrote @samartemaram.

Also read: Building a Safe Jakarta for Cyclists

As for the cycling community, which is signified in its Instagram account @ goshow.cc, it provides clarifications in English. They admit that the location of the photo is in the Dukuh Atas area.

They admitted it was in the right lane, but it was because a bus was passing through the Dukuh Atas underpass.

“Yes, we drove in the right lane to cross traffic on our way down to the upper hamlet. This was due to a bus passing through the Dukuh Atas underpass,” @goshow.cc wrote on Friday.

Journalist: Ricky Prayoga
Editor: Edy Sujatmiko

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