Rio Reifan admits he regrets using Sabu after being arrested for the fourth time

medialnews – Rio Reifan has been arrested again by the police for drugs. This is the fourth time that he has been secured by the authorities for the same case. When police released the statement, Rio apologized for its actions. As if he never gave up, he again admitted that he regretted taking the methamphetamine-type drug.

“The point here is my apologies and thousands of regrets. And there are also many parties who feel wronged here, of course and there are also many regrets for me,” he said. . Rio reifan at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kemayoran region, central Jakarta, Wednesday (21/4).

1. Apologize

Despite this, Rio Reifan also expressed his gratitude to the Drug Unit of the Jakarta Central Metro Police, as upon his arrest he admitted to being treated very well. Rio Reifan also called on all parties to pray for a speedy recovery from dependence on illegal goods.

“I apologize profusely, I can’t say much. And also to the central police in Jakarta, thank you for treating me so humanely, with their professionals too,” he said.

2. Pray for healing

“I also ask prayers from friends, from the community as well. I want to recover, I’m tired like this, like this. Hope I can become a better person. Thank you, ”he concluded.

As we know, Rio Reifan was secured by the police on Monday (19/4) at his residence located in Jalan Otista, east of Jakarta. Rio Reifan was affixed with his friend with the initials S. At that time, they were having a methamphetamine party in their room.

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