Ridwan Kamil immediately hugged Ms. Cinta, 3 weeks blocked everything

Sunday May 9, 2021 – 12:44 AM WIB

Ridwan Kamil immediately hugged Ms. Cinta, 3 weeks obstructed everything - JPNN.com

Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil and Atalia Praratya. Photo: Instagram

medialnews, BANDUNG – West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has said his wife, Atalia Praratya, has recovered from the COVID-19 virus.

Atalia takes 21 days to recover after testing positive on April 17, 2021.

“Alhamdulillah, Bu Cinta was negative for COVID-19 yesterday. Now we can come together again after everything was blocked. I was moved when the love letter (COVID-19 negative) came out, and was immediately hugged Ms. Cinta. It’s been three years. weeks, “said Kang Emil, greeting Ridwan Kamil on Saturday (8/5).

Atalia shared her struggle to recover from COVID-19. Initially, he decided to have a swab test on April 17, 2021 because his head was dizzy.

The symptoms he was suffering from were no different from the general illness because he had previously been caught in the rain while doing activities.

“The first day I was shocked. I was also confused about the infection because I met so many people and the community. At that time, I was hoping that none of my friends and people who were in contact with me would get infected, ”Atalia said.

Atalia then consulted a team of doctors and agreed to undergo treatment in independent isolation in the Pakuan building.

During his isolation, he experienced various symptoms until he finally tested negative for COVID-19 on Friday (7/5).


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