Returning to Jakarta, Travelers Must Carry COVID-19 Free Letter

Jakarta (medialnews) – Polda Metro Jaya recalled that travelers returning to Jakarta must obtain a COVID-19-free letter.

“Jakarta residents returning home to Jakarta must carry a COVID-19-free antigen letter from their region of return, to receive a COVID-19-free letter at the checkpoint,” said the public relations chief of the police commissioner of Polda Metro Jaya. Yusri Yunus in Jakarta, Friday.

Yusri explained that police will conduct a full inspection of the COVID-19-free letter from Sunday (5/16).

Polda Metro Jaya will set up checkpoints at KM 34 Tol Jakarta-Cikampek towards Jakarta and at Pos Cikupa.

For the arteries, free checks of COVID-19 letters will be carried out in Jatiuwung and Kedungwaringin.

“Technically, we all do an exam, which all motorists are required to show a COVID-19-free certificate,” he said.

Yusri also called on travelers to do a swab test (swab test) antigen before returning to Jakarta to avoid vehicle build-up.

Also Read: Tonight Polda Metro Jaya Ends Return Barrier
Read also: Polda Metro tightens access to the capital by imposing screening

Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan (center) accompanied by Head of Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Pol Fadil Imran (right) and Major General Pangdam Jaya TNI Dudung Abdurachman (left) giving a press release after having held a coordination meeting to anticipate the return of Eid 2021 at City Hall, Jakarta, Friday (5/14/2021). Governor Anies Baswedan, in the results of the meeting, will take two steps to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 from the ebb of Eid, namely by carrying out a “screening” at the entrance to the capital and by carrying out a follow-up through a working group at RW level for residents entering with rapid health checks, antigenic tests and conditions of declaration on its territory via a special application BETWEEN PHOTOS / Indrianto Eko Suwarso / foc.

The Polda Metro will also prepare an antigen swab testing service for vehicles that want to enter Jakarta but do not carry a letter without COVID-19.

“If there is not, we will open”Drive-thru‘and’random sampling‘ for ‘swabantigen, but to make it easier so that it does not get stuck on the road, it is better that there is no traffic jam before you go swab antigen, ”he said.

On Friday evening, Polda Metro Jaya ended the blockade on the return to the country Lebaran 2021 or Idul Fitri, which followed the government’s policy to ban the return to the country.

Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya also reopened Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed (MBZ) overflight towards Cikampek at midnight tonight.

Police have closed the overflight since May 6 as part of Operation Ketupat Jaya 2021, which aims to block the return home by blocking access to and from Jabotabek.

Polda Metro Jaya, along with Kodam Jaya and Pemprov DKI Jakarta, hosted a Return Home Blocking Activity as part of Operation Ketupat Jaya 2021.

The operation, which took place from May 6 to 17, 2021, follows central government policy prohibiting people from returning to their hometowns to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Journalist: Fianda Sjofjan Rassat
Editor: Sri Muryono

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