Residents of Taman Villa Meruya first recorded the story of the title of Eid prayers

Jakarta (medialnews) – Residents of Taman Villa Meruya in West Jakarta made history by holding the Idul Fitri 1442 Hijriah prayer service for the first time using tents since the complex’s founding home 30 years ago.

Based on a written statement received Thursday in Jakarta, as many as 500 residents of the Taman Villa Meruya complex flock to the “Arafah tent” and the field of At Tabayyun Mosque to perform the Eid prayer accompanied by echoes of takbir and tahmid.

The atmosphere was quite touching for most of the residents of the Taman Villa Meruya complex, who for the first time were able to offer Eid prayers in the neighborhood from the housing establishment.

The At Tabayyun Mosque committee enforces strict health protocols for visiting worshipers by measuring body temperature, wearing masks, and maintaining distance between residents.

The committee also often reminds residents over loudspeakers to obey antarshaf distance.
and avoiding shaking hands or any direct physical contact.

Also Read: TVM Complex Residents Hold Tarawih Prayers Under Tent

Religious activities under the tent-building area of ​​At Tabayyun Taman Villa Meruya Mosque, West Jakarta. (medialnews / HO)

Imam Shalat Id Ustadz was led by Zainal Asikin, while Id’s sermon was delivered by Ustadz Ending Ridwan who was the head of Taman Villa Meruya RT and also the grandson of the founder of the Islamic boarding school Cipasung Tasikmalaya.

In his lecture, Khotib Ending Ridwan expressed the importance of fasting during Ramadan, not only refraining from eating and drinking, but also resisting the temptation to lust.

“Muslims who pass the test cannot be called muttaqien insan or obtain the highest human rank before Allah SWT,” Ending said.

Ending quoted the statement of the great prophet Muhammad SAW during the Battle of Badr which was won by the Muslims. The war has been recorded in history as the glorious victory of Islam against the infidel Quraish.

The end revealed, the troops of Prophet Muhammad SAW numbered 300 people fighting with the strength of the adversary ten times that number.

“The Prophet said:” This war is not yet how much. The great war is a war against one’s own desire, ”said Ending.

Also read: Sweet duo in the mosque tent during Ramadan

Residents of the Taman Villa Meruya complex hold tarawih prayers under a tent in the construction area of ​​At Tabayyun Mosque, West Jakarta, during the holy month of Ramadan 1442 Hijriah, Monday (4/14/2021). (medialnews / HO)

At Tabayyun Mosque Construction Committee Chairman Marah Sakti Siregar presented an award to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan who issued land use permit for DKI provincial government assets covering an area of ​​1078 meters squares (m2) for the construction of a mosque in October 2020.

“The thanks of the committee are also conveyed to the ranks of the provincial government of DKI, the mayor of West Jakarta, the chief of Kembangan, the chiefs of urban villages of the north and south of Meruya to the chiefs of RT and RW who continue to help and support the committee, ”he said.

Marah Sakti reported that since the establishment of the At Tabayyun Mosque tent, nicknamed “Arafah Tent”, it has functioned as a Jami mosque.

The community organized activities for Friday prayers, five daily prayers, tarawih and Iktikaf prayers for the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan at the tent mosque.

In addition, the residents of Taman Villa Meruya also carry out social activities, such as the delivery of benefits to orphans and economically disadvantaged people.

He said the construction plan for At Tabayyun Mosque would be revolutionary in August 2021.

Meanwhile, the developer of Taman Villa Meruya from the start of PT PSP to move to Kartunindo and even the most recent company has not provided facilities for the construction of places of worship or mosques, because land for places of worship as well as social and public facilities were handed over to the DKI Provincial Government of Jakarta.

Journalist: Taufik Ridwan
Editor: Sri Muryono

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