Refal Hady Experience of Frog Surgery for the role of a psychopath

Actor Refal Hady plays a psychopathic character in Deadly Lengger Dance. Photo: Firda Junita /

medialnews, JAKARTA – Actor Refal Hady shared his experience playing a psychopath, Doctor Jati, in his latest film, Tarian Lengger Maut.

Jati, obsessed with human heartbeats, tries to deceive his victim under the pretext of becoming a doctor.

Therefore, Refal also had to learn basic things about medicine and how to operate.

As a result, the 27-year-old actor must learn to dissect animals for the sake of totality while acting.

“It’s amazing. So there are slices of chicken, a lot of frog hearts are also taken,” Refal said during a meeting in the Senayan area, south of Jakarta, Friday (30/4 ).

It’s certainly not easy for movie stars Galih and Ratna.

Refal even admitted he was stressed because he had to operate and remove the frog’s heart.

“Yes, for me who am a little amused by frogs, I am also stressed,” he said.

However, his efforts to immerse himself in the character have paid off.

Refal Hady is good enough to play the role of Doctor Jati who often performs surgeries and takes the hearts of his victims.

Lengger Maut Dance is a Yongki Ongestu film and genre of thriller.

The film will hit theaters on May 13, 2021. (mcr7 / JPNN)

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