PSMS inaugural practice followed by only eight players

We currently have 18 players and need about 7 more players.

Medan (medialnews) – The inaugural training for the Medan PSMS squad after undergoing the long vacation of Ramadan and Idul Fitri 1442 H, on Monday afternoon was attended by only eight local players, while players from outside Sumatra are expected to arrive as soon as possible join. .

Today we are adjusting their training to be more touchy. Eight local players have just joined. It is possible that the government will open the restrictions on the homecoming ban tomorrow. prepare for training, ”said PSMS coach Ansyari. Lubis, in Medan, Monday.

When asked about the plan to bring in additional players after Lebaran, he did not want to talk further, as he said it was the authority of the management.

Also read: PSMS players return to routine training at the Flower Garden on Monday

“Bringing in players, it’s near the manager. The problem is when the manager comes, the manager who can provide assurance. The name leak is already there, but we can’t convey it yet. We’re afraid it won’t work. and it could be a problem later, ”he said.

So far, he says, there are seven players who will be used to complete the existing lineup of players.

“At the moment we have 18 players and we still need about 7 players. But for the negotiation problem we are not active yet, we are fighting there. We want to make a plan, if possible by June all players will be complete so that we will be in the future. be more comfortable. Prepare players, “he hoped.

Also read: Paulo Sitanggang apologizes to PSMS Medan management
Also read: PSMS Medan leaves players outside of Sumatra early

Reporter: Juraidi
Editor: Fitri Supratiwi

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