Polda Metro plays the role of cyclists leaving the special cycle path

Jakarta (medialnews) – The traffic management of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared a special lane for racing bikes (road bike) and take firm action against cyclists who still use public roads or leave special lanes.

“We are preparing a special itinerary”road bike“. Once the route is operational, we will start to take firm action against bikers, ”Polda Metro Jaya manager Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said on Saturday.

This was transmitted by Sambodo in response to the many cyclists using the right lane on the public road and closing part of the road.

This phenomenon has sparked protests from other road users and has even gone viral on social media. A motorist suspected of being annoyed by those around him blocks his way. “road bikers‘until he points his middle finger at the group.

Sambodo explained that the special route being prepared by Polda Metro Jaya and DKI Jakarta transport agency is the Toll Free Road Bridge (JLNT) at Kampung Melayu-Tanah Abang.

However, the use of the JLNT Casablanca as a special itinerary “road bike“It is still in the testing phase and has not yet determined when the route will be operational.

Read also: Transport agency: It is necessary to socialize the types of bikes for the route Mas Mansyur-Hamka
Also read: DKI Jakarta will have 63 km of cycle paths

A number of cyclists speed up during the test implementation of the road bike track on the toll-free flyover (JLNT) Kampung Melayu-Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Sunday (5/23/2021). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Akbar Nugroho Gumay / aww.

The penalties for cyclists are governed by the Law on Road Traffic and Transport. “There has been a violation of the traffic law. Article 299 of the LLAJ law,” he said.

Article 299 of the LLAJ law reads as follows: “Anyone driving a non-motorized vehicle deliberately clings to a motorized vehicle to be towed, pulls objects that may endanger other road users and / or uses the road route of the vehicle referred to in article 122 the letter a, the letter b or the letter c will be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 15 days or a maximum fine of Rp 100,000.

Then, article 122 of the law LLAJ reads as follows: “It is prohibited for the drivers of non-motorized vehicles:

a. intentionally allowing their vehicle to be towed by a motor vehicle at a speed that may endanger safety;

b. transport or pull objects likely to obstruct or endanger other road users; and or

vs. use lanes reserved for motorized vehicles if a special road lane has been provided for non-motorized vehicles “.

Journalist: Fianda Sjofjan Rassat
Editor: Sri Muryono
COPYRIGHT © medialnews 2021

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