PMI: convalescent donors must meet the requirements

Convalescent plasma therapy can dramatically reduce mortality

Jakarta (medialnews) – Head of Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Blood Donation Unit, Dr. Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini stressed that recovering donor participants must meet the requirements so that recipient patients can recover .

“There are at least eight conditions that we offer to recovering donors,” Ria said in an international webinar press release on Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Jakarta on Saturday.

The eight requirements include age 18 to 60, a minimum weight of 55 kilograms, preferably male, or if the woman has never been pregnant, a COVID-19 survivor, a certificate of recovery from the attending physician , without complaint for at least 14 years. days, has not received blood transfusions for Within the past 6 months and has preferably donated blood.

On the same occasion, Professor Michael J. Joyner, MD of the Mayo Clinic revealed that this convalescent plasma therapy (TPK) method is not new, even a similar method was applied during the Spanish flu pandemic. (H1N1) in 1917-1918 and was a fairly successful method of healing.

Today, thanks to advanced medical science, plasma therapy has been shown to reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19.

Also Read: Convalescent Plasma Therapy Needs Requirements To Be Effective

The same was also expressed by Professor Arturo Casadevall, M.D., M.S., Ph.D. of Johns Hopkins who called TPK especially popular in the United States.

It’s just that, he reminded that this therapy needs to be applied in a proper way.

“The effectiveness of this plasma depends on the quantity given, for example, the dose must be correct. Plus, the faster the action, the better, ”he said.

Professor Liise-anne Pirofski, M.D. of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, also provides notes on conventional plasma therapy, but does not deny that this therapy is highly recommended as an effort to reduce the level of death from COVID-19.

Research on convalescent plasma therapy has indeed been carried out in several countries and in Professor Pirofski’s observations, almost all of the patients tested with plasma therapy have recovered.

Read also: PMI socialization of conventional plasma donors in “Humanity In Ramadhan”

Lots of research

Head of PPIDK (Center for Development, Innovation and Cooperation) Faculty of Medicine of Maranatha Christian University, Dr. Monica said that at present, many TPK studies have been carried out and are ongoing in Indonesia.

One of them is the collaboration between FK Maranatha Christian University (UKM) and Primaya Hospital.

Further research was carried out at Mayapada Hospital and Mandara Bali Hospital.

Meanwhile, Saiful Anwar Hospital also conducted TPK research. Likewise, so far, a national “multi-center” research has been carried out with 10 hospitals in Indonesia.

“From internal results, it turns out that TPK can significantly or significantly reduce the death rate in moderate and severe COVID-19 patients,” he explained.

Also read: Eijkman: The administration of convalescent plasma should be as soon as possible

Looking at the growing number of patients recovering from COVID-19, it is no exaggeration that TPK is strongly recommended to be implemented in public and private hospitals, so that we, the people of Indonesia, can get out of this. pandemic, Monica said.

“We hope that the use of TPK as an alternative to treat COVID-19 can continue. And we continue to strive to support research on blood plasma products in an optimal manner,” said Heru Firdausi Syarif, CEO of PT Itama Ranoraya Tbk as the webinar organizer.

Reporter: Ganet Dirgantara
Editor: Edy Sujatmiko

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