PKS openly says ‘happy’ with PDIP

VIVA – The General Secretary of the Prosperous Justice Party, Habib Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, has a thorough interpretation of the meeting with the central leadership of the PDI-P. Aboe, who took the group to visit the PDIP office, saw the meeting as a form of friendship as compatriots and political parties.

He stressed that he did not want the position of the PKS as a counterweight to the government to give the impression that he was still opposed to the PDIP, the ruling party.

“Don’t give the impression that PDI Perjuangan and PKS are always opposites. We are together. If we have different opinions, that’s okay. I mean, we need to create a happy atmosphere in the state. S ‘there is a bit If it’s outside the government, it’s the balance and democracy of rights,’ said Aboe when he started the meeting at the PDIP headquarters in Jakarta on Tuesday April 27. 2021.

Dear fellow political parties, he said, of course state affairs and important nationality programs are discussed together. He admitted that he was happy to be present at the PDIP office and was warmly welcomed by the senior party official led by Megawati Soekarnoputri. You could say that Aboe’s presence with the other administrators, such as Mardani Ali Sera, was also attended by PDIP officials who practically accompanied Hasto.

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