PKS General Secretary congratulates Amien Rais for the Ummat party

“Good luck, good execution of the programs. We will wait until 2024. “

medialnews, JAKARTA – The Secretary General of the Prosperous Justice Party, Habib Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi, congratulated Amien Rais who had just declared the creation of the Ummat Party. “I congratulate Mr. Amien Rais for his Ummat party. You have to understand, the niche (potential votes, editor’s note) of the Indonesian people is over 265 million. This means that (the opportunities are still) great,” Aboe told the journalists. in Jakarta, Friday (30). / 4).

He said the PKS had so far only been able to garner around 2.8% of total voters’ votes, while the Golongan Karya Party (Golkar) was around 12%. “This means that the Ummah party can take yet another niche. Go ahead, compete, participate. Hopefully it (the Ummah party) can get more (more votes) in parliament,” he added.

On this occasion, he declared that the Ummat party is one of the assets of the nation which must be supported in order to enrich the implementation of democratic values ​​in Indonesia. “Good luck, smooth running of the programs. We are waiting for 2024,” Aboe told the Ummah party board.

He also said that the PKS had opened up opportunities for cooperation with the Ummat party. “We wait until 2024 if we (the PKS and the Ummat Party) can work together why not (why not, red). We can join and so on later. We can fight together,” Aboe added.

The 1998 Reformation figure, Amien Rais, officially declared the establishment of the Ummat Party in Yogyakarta on Thursday (29/4) to coincide with the 17th of Ramadan 1442 Hijriah. << On behalf of the founders, leaders, cadres and members of the Ummat party, on Ramadan 17 1442 Hijriah, to coincide with April 29, 2021 AD, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I declare the birth of the Ummat party on the Indonesian Mother Earth that we are all love together, "Amien said via Amien Rais' official Youtube account.

“We, the Ummah party with the children of other nations, God willing, will work, fight and sacrifice anything to fight against injustice and uphold justice,” said Amien Rais, who at the time of the statement was wearing the Ummah party uniform.

During the statement, the Ummat Party also announced the ranks of the Syuro Council and its Central Executive Office. In this case, Amien Rais was announced as general chairman of the Syuro Council, while Ridho Rahmadi (Amien’s son-in-law) was the chairman of the PDP of the Ummat party.

Other central administrators including Ahmad Muhadjir Sodrudin as general secretary, Benny Suharto as general treasurer, Agung Mozin as general vice president 1, Sugeng as general vice president 2, Chandra Tirta Wijaya as general vice president 3.

source: Antara

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