PDIP-PAN encourages Muhammadiyah youth to educate young statesmen

Young statesmen must be encouraged for the advancement of Greater Indonesia in the eyes of the world.

medialnews, JAKARTA – Secretary General (Sekjen) DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto and Secretary General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno together encourage the young activists of Muhammadiyah to get involved to ensure a better future for Indonesia, in the elections of 2024 and beyond. May young statesmen be encouraged for the advancement of Indonesia Raya in the eyes of the world.

Hasto and Eddy expressed it when they were speakers at the Muhammadiyah National Youth Coordination Meeting, saying, “ Muhammadiyah youth political setup welcomes the 2024 Democracy Party. ” The event was attended by Muhammadiyah Youth leadership across Indonesia in Jakarta on Sunday (2/5).

Hasto said there is no single owner of the republic, as Indonesia is a state of mutual cooperation which makes the people the only legitimate holders of power. Since its creation, mutual cooperation has been real. Muhammadiyah, Nahdatul Ulama (NU) and PNI, as representatives of the nationalist group, have always jointly pioneered an independent Indonesia. He then spoke a lot about Bung Karno and Muhammadiyah.

“So if the forerunner of PAN is Muhammadiyah, then our cooperation with PAN and Muhammadiyah Youth has historical and ideological legitimacy. Because we have been the ones who have held the torch of the Indonesian spirit from the beginning,” said Hasto.

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