Payarind e-wallet offers ease of transaction for various needs

Transactions using the Payarind electronic wallet are now easier. Payarind / Antara Doc

medialnews, JAKARTA – Payarind e-wallet or e-wallet is an app service that was created to allow users to easily transact online and offline at various merchants with one app.

Bayarind is a digital payment ecosystem that includes integrated payment gateways, electronic wallets and point of sale (POS).

Bayarind technology, which has been operating in Indonesia for 3 years, helps businessmen and the public to conduct electronic transactions easily and securely.

“We are focused on the vision of becoming Indonesia’s largest digital payment ecosystem. This is done to support the financial inclusion system through technology, and then we also focus on ease of transactions, as well as actively delivering new product innovations and improving existing functionality ”. Setyo Harsoyo, CEO of PT Sprint Asia Technology said in a written statement on Saturday.

One of the excellent services of Bayarind is an electronic wallet (electronic wallet). Like a wallet, where users can store payment instruments like electronic money, debit cards, credit cards and others and can store personal identities like KTP, SIM, NPWP and others.

Now users can simply use Bayarind to record everything digitally. Bayarind offers various amenities in transactions including paying bills, purchasing personal needs, and shopping from online (marketplaces) and offline merchants.

“What sets Bayarind apart from other e-wallets is the marketplace functionality that has been built into merchants across Indonesia and is also built into logistics companies, making it easier for Bayarind users to conduct transactions. transaction activities, ”said Setyo Harsoyo.

The Payarind e-wallet service has a very large market, ranging from food and drink, fashion, electronics and various other local products of international quality.

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