Parasite director Bong Joon Ho is working on a deep sea creatures animated film: Okezone Celebrity

JAKARTA – Bong Joon Ho, director of the Oscar-winning film Parasite, is preparing a new project. Different from before, it produced animations on humans and deep-sea creatures.

Variety report, Friday (5/14/2021), the animation project has been in the works since 2018 with a Korean company, the 4th Creative Party, and has just completed the script in January.

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Bong Joon Ho

This is not the first time that the 4th Creative Party has teamed up with Bong Joon Ho. The company has already met the visual effects needs of the director’s previous films, namely Snowpiercer, Okja and Mother.

Currently, Bong Joon Ho is working on a screenplay for an English film. Thus, the animated film should be released after the film project.

As an Oscar-winning director, Bong Joon Ho is also busy this year. He is appointed jury which will determine the winner of the competition at the Venice Film Festival at the end of August and the beginning of September 2021.


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