PAN and PKS Satu Suara related to this issue

PKS and PAN maintain communication regarding current issues.

medialnews, JAKARTA – National Mandate Party President DPP Zulkifli Hasan reiterated the need to maintain communication between political parties. Regarding the Palestinian question, PKS and PAN are of the same opinion.

This was conveyed by the politician who is usually called Zulhas in response to his meeting with PKS Chairman Ahmad Syaikhu at the PDP PAN office. “Friends political parties, it is important to maintain communication with each other. Because we are close, we have a certain relationship with each other, it is natural to be dynamic,” Zulhas said on Friday. (21/5).

Zulhas praised the friendship and communication made by PKS. At this meeting, Zulhas was accompanied by DPP PAN secretary general Eddy Soeparno, president of the DPR PAN faction RI Saleh Daulay and other officials.

At the same time, Zulhas left a message for the PKS to jointly maintain the reform mandate. PAN Ketum said synergy between political parties is important to jointly maintain and achieve community expectations.

“The duties of our nation in 23 years of reform are still many. All parties must work hand in hand. It doesn’t matter inside or outside government,” Zulhas said.

When asked if this meeting has a political agenda, Zulhas said the series of political party safaris is a natural thing for political parties to do. Previously, the PKS had met with the Democratic Party and the PPP.

PAN Secretary General Eddy Soeparno explained that several agendas were being discussed between the two parties. “Mainly the rally after Eid. Then, with the introduction of the new PKS management, we wish you a good job,” Eddy said.

In addition, Eddy continued, they also discussed the latest national issues. Including economic issues and the management of pandemics. “We also discussed the situation in Palestine, according to the mandate of the constitution, Indonesia must continue to support the struggle for the independence of the Palestinian people. PAN and PKS have one voice on this,” he said. said.

Ahmad Syaikhu agreed with what Zulhas said. His arrival in the ranks was intended to strengthen communication and equalize perceptions. “Alhamdulillah, PAN has been well received,” said Syaikhu.

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