One more year at home, here is how the happy children of Titi Kamal can play in the playground of the shopping center

medialnews – It has been a year since the Covid-19 pandemic hit Indonesia since March 2020. Meanwhile, many activities that usually took place outside the home have had to be temporarily halted.

However, as time passes and conditions slowly begin to return, the public begins to dare to do activities outside the home, one of which is Titi Kamal.

1. Go to the mall

After all this time, Titi Kamal finally invited his two sons to take a walk to the mall. They are also happy to return to play on the playing field after a year.

“Ngabuburit time. It’s really exciting, it’s been a year since I went to the mall playground, to be precise I rarely go to the mall hehe” said Titi Kamal on Instagram.

2. Private

In addition, in order to prevent too many people from playing, Christian Sugiono’s wife also ordered a special playground for their families.

“Kai and Juna are very happy to finally be able to have some fun with their cousins, their hearts are calm as they have been sterilized and deprived. Bismillah, everyone is healthy. Have a nice day,” said Titi.

3. Remember the mother’s message

Well, KLovers can also do any activities you want to do like Titi Kamal, whether it’s at the mall, going for a morning walk, or going to other places as long as you follow the applicable health protocols.

And also always # RememberPesan. The mother always wears a mask, washes her hands diligently with soap or hand sanitizer, keeps a safe distance, away from crowds, and reduces her mobility to prevent the spread of covid-19.

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