Occupation of Bogor field hospital nears last day of operation

The number of patients treated at the Bogor City Field Hospital was only two.

medialnews, BOGOR – As the last day of the operational period approached, the number of patients treated at the Bogor City Field Hospital was only two. As we know, the field hospital in the city of Bogor will cease its activities today, Sunday (18/4), after three months of operation.

Public relations and Bogor City Field Hospital secretariat Armein Sjuhary Rowi said both patients were male patients with green status or mild symptoms. “Previously on Friday (4/16) there were three patients, at 2:00 p.m. WIB the patient was going home, so currently there are only two patients,” Armein said on Saturday (04/17).

In addition, Armein said, of the 64 beds at the Bogor City Field Hospital, the two patients occupied the second floor specifically for men. One of them is from the city of Bogor. While another person is an out-of-town patient.

“As long as the patient is a person from the city of Bogor, and a patient is from outside of another city,” he said.

Confirmed separately, the head of the health office of the city of Bogor (Dinkes), Sri Nowo Retno explained: bed occupancy rate (BOR) in Bogor City this week hit 34.0 percent. Where, this figure is lower than the WHO standard, which is 60 percent.

Retno explained that of the 771 isolation beds available in 21 hospitals, 262 of them were filled. Meanwhile, the intensive care unit was 47.1% full. In other words, 24 of the 47 beds available in the ICU have been filled.

“Meanwhile, BPKP Pusdiklatwas, Ciawi, the place of isolation for patients with symptom-free status (OTG), has been filled up to five percent, or five out of 100 beds,” he said. he declares.

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