Observers reveal aftermath after KKB branded terrorist

Organizations and individuals who commit massive violence are classified as terrorists.

medialnews, JAKARTA – The government has officially designated the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) and affiliated organizations in Papua as a List of Suspected Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations (DTTOT). UI terrorism researcher Ridlwan Habib concluded that there were at least three consequences after the KKB was declared a terrorist organization.

“First, the spearhead of the treatment is the national police, in this case Densus 88, and the perpetrators were punished using Law 5 of 2018,” Ridlwan said in an official statement to reporters on Friday (30 / 4).

In law enforcement operations against terrorism, Ridlwan said the national police could ask for help from TNI, even TNI special forces. “However, it is necessary to have a presidential decree on TNI immediately to fight terrorism as a legal umbrella and it can be signed by President Jokowi immediately,” Ridlwan said.

The second consequence, Ridlwan continued, was the specific mention of terrorist groups in Papua on the basis of their leadership. He warned that he should not take him for a Papuan terrorist group as it would anger other Papuans who do not support armed action.

“Just mention the names of the groups, for example the terrorist group Lekagak Telenggen, the terrorist group Goliat Tabuni, the terrorist group Kely Kwalik, etc.,” said the graduate student of UI Intelligence.

Ridlwan added that the third consequence is that Densus 88 can arrest anyone who accepts or supports armed action in Papua. This includes those who support armed action in cyberspace.

“For example, Veronika Koman, who supported KKB on Twitter, could be arrested on suspicion of terrorism under Law 5 of 2018,” Ridlwan said.

These arrests can also be made against pro-KKB activists who are in towns outside Papua. “For example in Yogya, Surabaya, if there is any indication that the group supports the KKB, it can now be punished by the law on terrorism,” concluded Ridlwan.

The Minister for the Coordination of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, is known to have called on all relevant security forces to take swift, decisive and measured action against organizations now labeled as terrorists in Papua.

“The government considers organizations and individuals in Papua that commit massive violence to be classified as terrorists,” Mahfud MD said at a press conference at his office in central Jakarta on Thursday (29/4).

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