Netizen Baper! Aldebaran Kiss Andean without coercion: Okezone celebrity

JAKARTA – The Ikatan Cinta soap opera makes loyal viewers even angrier. In episode 270, Andin (Amanda Manopo) is declared pregnant and Aldebaran (Arya Saloka) becomes overprotective of his wife.

Another adorable moment, as Aldebaran left for the office, Andin suddenly ran after her husband, because she wanted to be kissed by him.

“Andean, I told you not to run,” said Aldebaran.

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“You forgot. Kiss first. The baby asks to be kissed,” said spoiled Andean.

Without thinking, Aldebaran immediately kissed Andean’s belly, caressing it affectionately. So Rendy (Ikbal Fauzi) who witnessed it, could only smile.

“Take care of mom,” says Aldebaran.

Besides the stomach, Aldebaran also kissed Andean’s forehead before leaving for work. Besides kissing her, he also stroked Andean’s hair.

Seeing this romantic moment, netizens immediately got carried away and asked if their fast had been canceled because they had kissed during the day.

“This shoot is still in the afternoon, isn’t it … Isn’t it canceled, pa Asep ?? It’s still the start. There are still 9 months left. Klu every morning that way you can dazzle, ”@Lo ***** said.

“Poor mas rendi is a mosquito, I am accompanying you here,” @Ar **** said.

“Gemes is amazing to make a joke,” @ra ***** explained.


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