National police named Munarman as a suspect on April 20

This means that the arrest of brother M is known to the family, in this case the woman in question.

Jakarta (medialnews) – The head of the public information division of the public relations division of the national police, Kombes Pol Ahmad Ramadhan, has revealed that Munarman, the former secretary general (Sekjen) of the Front of Islamic Defenders, was in the process since April 20, 2021.

“Brother M’s determination as a suspect goes of course through the process of a case title, and he is confirmed as a suspect on April 20, 2021,” Ramadhan said, confirmed Wednesday evening.

Ramadhan said after the suspect’s determination, Munarman was arrested on Tuesday (4/27) after the arrest warrant was issued.

Munarman was arrested around 3:30 p.m. WIB at his home in Pondok Cabai, Pamulang, South Tangerang.

Also Read: PPP Politicians Encourage Police To Be Transparent And Objective In Munarman Investigation
Read also: Lawyer: Munarman is suspected of suspected terrorism

The arrest, Ramadhan said, was informed by an arrest warrant that had been submitted to the family, namely Munarman’s wife.

“It was therefore handed over and received and signed. This means that the arrest of brother M is known to the family, in this case the wife in question,” Ramadhan said.

Ramadhan explained that according to Law No. 5 of 2008, the arrest of terrorism cases is governed by Article 28, paragraph 1, in which the arrest is valid for 14 days against a person suspected of having committed an act terrorist criminal.

Then in Article 28 (2), if necessary, 7 additional days will be granted. So that Special Detachment 88’s counterterrorism police team has 21 days to complete the thorough process.

“Then, we transmitted in the arrest warrant, the articles suspected of being against the suspect M were article 14 in conjunction with article 7 and / or article 15 in conjunction with article 7 of Law No. 5 of 2018 on Criminal Acts of Terrorism, ”Ramadhan said. .

Ramadhan added that the process led by the Densus 88 Anti-Terror and the suspected articles were clear. Determination of the suspect on April 20, 2021, then arrest warrant on April 27, 2021.

“Regarding the arrest warrant, we stress that Densus investigators did not issue an arrest warrant. Because the person concerned is still under arrest,” Ramadhan said.

Munarman was arrested on suspicion of inciting people to commit criminal acts of terrorism, conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism and withholding information about criminal acts of terrorism.

Besides Munarman’s arrest, Densus 88 Anti-Terror also searched Munarman’s home in Pamulang, south of Tangerang and found 70 pieces of evidence.

A search was also carried out at the headquarters of the FPI Pertamburan, the national police found a certain amount of evidence of several liquids and chemical powders suspected of being components of explosives.

The chemical liquids and powders found were similar to evidence during the arrest and search of suspected terrorists in Condet, east Jakarta and Bekasi, west Java on March 29, 2021.

Also Read: Police Must Obey Presumption of Innocence to Investigate Munarman
Also Read: Rizieq Shihab Offers Prayer For Munarman

Journalist: Laily Rahmawaty
Editor: Mulyo Sunyoto

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