Minister of VAT: three provinces received grants from MCC-AS

Of course, I appreciate the seriousness of the Riau provincial government in obtaining this fund so that it is included in the grant criteria.

Pekanbaru (medialnews) – Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said the three provinces will receive grants from the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of around IDR 4 trillion for several development programs .

“This fund is intended to help MSMEs and infrastructure. In order to build a green economy. Well, one of them is Riau, which is included in the criteria for obtaining this fund,” he said. he declared on Saturday in Pekanbaru, in the province of Riau (29/5).

No less than three provinces that received the grant, namely Riau, South Sumatra and North Sulawesi. Suharso Monoarfa, in his capacity as PPP President, traveled to Pekanbaru on Saturday (29/5) to attend the VIIIth Regional PPP Conference in Riau (Muswil).

He confirmed that Riau province received a grant of IDR 1.7 trillion from MCC of the United States. In total, more than IDR 4 trillion in grants have been allocated to the three provinces.

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This was forwarded by Suharso in response to the Governor of Riau Syamsuar who asked about this grant.

“Of course, I appreciate the seriousness of the Riau provincial government in obtaining this fund so that it is included in the criteria for funding grants,” he said.

This subsidy is expected to be disbursed for road construction, industrial zone development, oil palm downstream and agricultural development.

“This MCC grant is focused on infrastructure development to increase economic growth and reduce poverty,” he said.

While attending the regional muswil, Suharso asked the governor of Riau Syamsuar many questions, including economic growth, accelerated vaccination, confirmed cases of COVID-19, poverty levels, stunting rates and the number of declared unemployment in the region.

Read also: Minister of National Development Planning explained six strategies to rethink economic transformation
Read also: The head of Bappenas unveils his report on industrialization in NTB

Journalist: Diana Syafni
Publisher: M. Hari Atmoko
COPYRIGHT © medialnews 2021

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